Next-generation 'PS VR controller' for PS5 released

Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) has released the 'controller' of the next-generation virtual reality (VR) system for PlayStation 5 (PS5) under development.
Next-generation VR system for PS5 ™ ── About the new VR controller – PlayStation.Blog
Next-gen VR on PS5: the new controller – PlayStation.Blog
New PSVR controllers suggest PS5 headset won't need external sensors | Ars Technica
On March 18, 2021, Hideaki Nishino, Senior Vice President, who oversees the planning and management departments of SIE, revealed the details of the 'controller for the next-generation VR system.'
The new VR controller is below. The design is like a combination of rings that you can't think of as a controller, and the official announcement says 'an orb type that naturally fits your hand when you hold it.'

It looks like this when attached. The design emphasizes ergonomics (ergonomics), and it is well-balanced when gripped and fits comfortably in the hand. In addition, there are also overseas media that describe it as a

The left controller has an analog stick, △ button, □ button, grip button (L1), trigger button (L2), and create button, and the right controller has an analog stick, × button, 〇 button, grip button (R1), and so on. Equipped with trigger button (R2) and option button. The grip button is a button that corresponds to 'grab' in the game.

According to the announcement, the new VR controller is aiming for an immersive feeling that exceeds the conventional game experience and further pursuit of 'sense of presence' as if it were there, and the

In addition, a 'finger touch function' that recognizes the finger just by touching it without pressing it is installed in the part that touches the thumb, index finger, and middle finger, enabling gesture operation.
In addition, tracking mechanisms are embedded in various parts of the controller surface, and it seems that the VR headset can track the VR controller and grasp the relative position.
According to the official announcement of the next-generation PSVR itself, improvements have been incorporated everywhere in the next-generation PSVR by making use of the knowledge gained from the first PSVR, and one of the improvements is 'You can connect to PS5 neatly with a single cable. Although a concrete example is given, 'The development of a new VR system is still in the middle, and it is not scheduled to be released in 2021.' Mr. Hideaki Nishino announced the announcement of this new VR controller, 'Please look forward to future announcements for further information on next-generation VR for PS5. Fans who always support us on behalf of Sony Interactive Entertainment Thank you very much. '
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