Microsoft's online conferencing tool 'Microsoft Teams' is down

Microsoft's online conferencing tool, Microsoft Teams, has been temporarily down and disabled. The cause of the failure seems to be an update made to the Microsoft 365 authentication system.
Microsoft Teams is still recovering after an outage Monday afternoon --The Verge
Microsoft Teams became unavailable around 5:30 on March 16, 2021 Japan time, but before that, Microsoft detected that there was a problem with 'access to Microsoft 365'. At 4:40 on the same day, he reported on Twitter that he was 'investigating access issues.'
We're investigating an issue for access to multiple M365 services. Please visit the admin center post M0244568 for more information. We'll provide additional information here as it becomes available.
— Microsoft 365 Status (@ MSFT365Status) March 15, 2021
It has since been identified that this issue can affect Microsoft 365 users around the world, and that the issue is due to a recent update to the authentication system by Microsoft. Microsoft announced that it would roll back the update as a workaround, but also explained that 'rollback takes about 15 minutes.'
We're investigating an issue for access to multiple M365 services. Please visit the admin center post M0244568 for more information. We'll provide additional information here as it becomes available.
— Microsoft 365 Status (@ MSFT365Status) March 15, 2021
At 6:57, it announced that the rollback of the authentication system had been completed in all areas affected by the failure. This has been shown to reduce the telemetry error rate for Microsoft 365 services.
The update has finished deployment to all impacted regions. Microsoft 365 services are showing decreasing error rates in telemetry. We'll continue to monitor service health status. Additional information can be found at .
— Microsoft 365 Status (@ MSFT365Status) March 15, 2021
However, even at 9:18, he said, 'Recovery of services affected by mitigation measures is steadily progressing,' revealing that not all services have been restored.
We're continuing our mitigation actions and recovery is progressing steadily to the remaining impacted services. We'll provide continuous updates to or under MO244568 until impact is fully mitigated.
— Microsoft 365 Status (@ MSFT365Status) March 16, 2021
Due to a failure in Microsoft 365, various services such as Microsoft Team, Office 365, and Outlook were temporarily down. In addition, it has been confirmed that Azure Active Directory , an identity service for enterprises provided by Microsoft, and Xbox prepaid code have also malfunctioned. The Microsoft Team service has been temporarily suspended for the first time in about half a year since September 2020.
Affected by a failure in Microsoft 365, WarnerMedia has postponed the virtual premium release of the movie 'Justice League ' Zack Snyder'Cut.
— Julia alexander (@loudmouthjulia) March 15, 2021
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