A 12-year-old boy creates a 'vaccination reservation agency site' to help more than 1800 people

Inoculation of the new coronavirus vaccine is progressing in each country. In the case of New York, USA, each person who is eligible to receive the vaccine must make an appointment for vaccination and go to receive it, but it is quite troublesome to make an appointment by himself. Therefore, a 12-year-old boy has set up a help site that will take care of vaccination reservations when you enter the necessary information, helping more than 1800 people.
12-year-old helps more than 1,600 people get vaccines after building a website to help seniors --CBS News

This attempt was made by Sam Keush, who lives in Scarsdale, New York. Mr. Keush created the following site called 'VaccineHelper'.

The site provides a total of 39 questions and agreements, including email address, name, address, date of vaccination, and consent to disclaimer. These are the same things that you have to fill out when you access the site prepared by New York State and make a reservation by yourself.
When he made a vaccination appointment for his four grandparents, Keush thought, 'I think we could help more people,' and he himself was the year of the Jewish coming-of-age ritual Bar Mitzvah . However, he decided to open this site because of that.
Although my parents paid the money needed to open the site, Mr. Keush was in charge of the operation itself. It's a charity, so it's free to use.
The site also has a Q & A, 'Should I get the vaccine?' And Mr. Keush said, 'It's up to you. I'm here just to help those who decide to get it. I will. '
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