What is a blog article for search robots made with SEO against Google?

Many companies operate websites to advertise their services and products, but few people carefully look at Google search results to the end, so how do websites rank high? is an important point, and if you are a business person, you should put some effort into SEO (search engine optimization). Specifically, there are cases of shop blogs created on the premise of being shown to search engine robots.
Fem Power Gifts by GetBullish Blog – The Bullish Store

The customers might be human, but the audience is Google - The Verge
' The Bullish Store & Gift Shop ' is an online shop created by Jennifer Giura, a writer who deals with gender issues, as a derivative of her personal website ' Get Bullish '. , Articles such as a summary of recommended products for various events are posted.
However, while the articles published on Get Bullish are mainly written with the assumption that they will be read by female readers, the articles published on the shop's blog are more likely to be read by search engines. It is written assuming that a robot will read it.
For example, an article summarizing gifts for 'Father's Day' looks like this.
Best Father's Day Gifts 2023 | Gift Ideas – The Bullish Store

At the beginning, the words of photographer Anne Geddes are quoted, followed by basic information such as 'What is Father's Day?' and 'When is Father's Day this year?' After that, recommended products come out, but it seems that the human reader only checks this product list part and the other sentences are read by the robot.
Regarding this content, Mr. Jiura said in an interview with the news site The Verge, ``If you want what you want as a person, that is, 'Introducing 25 gifts under 2,500 yen', there are photos, prices, and links for each product. Even if you write an article, Google won't like it.' ``In other words, (the shop's blog sentences) are all sentences written specifically for search engines.''
Mr. Giura has a lot of work as a writer, which is his main business, so he can devote about 5% of the time to SEO of the site. Still, it is a work that has to be done in order to avoid the situation that `` it does not come out even if you search on Google '', so he said that he automated the work early.
An assistant living in the Philippines is in charge of creating the blog for the shop. It seems that the sentences that are not for humans are generated using a content creation AI called '

In addition, in the shop, not only the blog but also the product page of the site itself has search measures. The descriptions are a mixture of those provided by the manufacturer and those written by Mr. Jiura and others, but since Google found that ``I don't like short product descriptions,'' sentences and photos were added. The sentences to be added are generated by AI. Since Google also checks duplicate and similar content , one of the points is to use AI to give a unique explanation that is different from the explanation provided by the manufacturer.
However, even with these measures, Mr. Ziura said, 'I think I did work that could get a C plus or B minus, but it's very difficult to get an A.' It shows the hardships of fighting a site with a house.
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