Linux finally arrives on Mars

The small helicopter
How NASA Designed a Helicopter That Could Fly Autonomously on Mars --IEEE Spectrum
Linux has made it to Mars --The Verge
Launched from a launch facility at Cape Canaveral Air Force Base in the United States on July 30, 2020 local time, Perseverance was launched on Mars 293 million miles (472 million km) from Earth over 203 days. It finally landed on Mars at 5:55 on February 19, 2021 Japan time.
NASA's Mars rover 'Perseverance' lands on Mars --GIGAZINE

The photo below is a photo of Perseverance taken just before landing by 'Jetpack', which was responsible for lowering Perseverance to the surface of Mars.
The moment that my team dreamed of for years, now a reality. Dare mighty things. #CountdownToMars
— NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover (@NASAPersevere) February 19, 2021
Perseverance has just started its mission on Mars, taking samples of soil and rocks with its on-board camera. Such Perseverance is not exploring the vast land of Mars alone, but carries out exploration missions with the small helicopter Ingenuity.
by NASA / JPL-Caltech
About this Ingenuity, Tim Kangham, a senior engineer at the developer Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), said, 'This is the first time Linux (equipment equipped with) has flown on Mars. Ingenuity's software framework Was developed by JPL for cube sats and equipment, and was open sourced a few years ago, 'said an interview with IEEE Spectrum.
The name of the software software framework installed in Ingenuity is 'fprime', and the source code is available on the following page.
GitHub --nasa / fprime: F'--A flight software and embedded systems framework

'We make full use of open source operating systems and flight software frameworks, so people who want to try it can buy commercial parts and reproduce them. This is kind of. It's an open source victory, 'he explains, explaining the significance of working on Ingenuity development in open source.
After an interview with Mr. Kanham was posted, on Twitter, 'Mars has become the second planet running more Linux-powered computers than Windows.' 'Another news is on Mars. There are tweets that note that Ingenuity is running on Linux, such as '100% share of electric vehicles.'
In other news, EVs have a 100% market share on Mars.
— @Mikko (@mikko) February 19, 2021
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