How has the world population increased?

According to the

research results published in the major medical journal ' The Lancet ' in 2020, the world population as of July 2020 is about 7.8 billion. Mankind continues to increase the number of repeated death and the day-to-day birth, but the population to change demographic whether has been estimated as what's in the science journal Live Science has been commentary.

How many people are in the world? | Live Science

The world population exceeded 1 billion in 1800, exceeded 3 billion in 1959, increased to 5 billion in 1987, and increased to 7 billion in 2011. According to the United Nations, it is expected to reach 8 billion by 2023 and 11 billion by 2100. According to Our World in Data (OWID), a site that publishes statistical data through open access, the rate of population growth has been relatively slow for most of human history. It is estimated that 4 million people lived on Earth 10,000 years ago, and by the year 1000 AD, it had increased to 190 million.

The subsequent plague epidemic in the 1300s will reduce the world's population by 33-55%. The Industrial Revolution from 1700 to 1800 spurred population growth, reaching 2 billion in 1927, and by 1950, improved public health and the discovery of antibiotics increased life expectancy, 1959. It increased to 3 billion in the year and 6 billion in 1999.

The average annual population growth rate is about 0.04% from 10,000 BC to 1700 BC, about 1% from 1920 to 1950, and 2.04% from the late 1960s to 1998. According to United Nations demographer Sarah Hertog, the explosive growth in the population in the late 1900s was due to lower child mortality and the post-WWII

baby boom .

In recent years, the population growth rate has decreased significantly, and the population growth rate in 2020 is about 1.05%, but it is said that the decline in the growth rate is not occurring in all regions. For example, in 2020, the population growth rate in sub-Saharan Africa will be about 2.7%, which is much higher than the world average. The high population growth rate in sub-Saharan Africa is mainly due to the increase in fertility rate and the decrease in mortality rate.

Birth rate is one of the most important figures for estimating the world population. The population grows as the total fertility rate, which indicates the average number of children a woman can give birth to, increases. This total fertility rate is 1.7 in North America and Europe, while it is 4.6 in sub-Saharan Africa. Mr. Heltgu said that human development, women's education, employment issues, etc. are related to the difference in total fertility rate between regions. Studies have shown that if women are given as many educational opportunities as men, childbirth will be delayed and the number of children will decrease, and urbanization will also lead to a decrease in the birth rate.

Mortality is also an important number. Although not all countries record the births and deaths of their people, it is difficult to determine the exact number, but demographers use other numbers such as life expectancy to determine mortality. Estimate. According to OWID, life expectancy in all regions of the world was about 30 years before 1800, but increased to 65 years from 1995 to 2000, reaching 72.6 years in 2019. Life expectancy also varies by region, reaching 61.2 years in Africa as a whole and 77.5 years in Europe as of 2016.

Demographers collect data on births, deaths, immigrants, etc. for a country based on the

vital statistics and census of each country. However, the data is not sufficient in many developing countries and countries experiencing conflict, and it is estimated by opinion polls in these countries.

'Accurately predicting the world's population can be very helpful in deciding how to use the Earth's limited resources and where to allocate education and healthcare,' Live Science said. I'm closing it.

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