Will the increase in the world population lead to the destruction of mankind?

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The world population is about 7.3 billion as of 2016, and it is on an increasing trend in the future. The world population has increased by a factor of four in the last century, but what is caused by the increase in the world population is explained with animation.

Overpopulation - The Human Explosion Explained - YouTube

There has never been a human being on Earth in the history so far.

The world's population exceeded 1 billion in 1800, 2.3 billion in 1940, 3.7 billion in 1970, and 7.4 billion as of 2016.

The increasing speed of the population is accelerating as the modern age, the world population has increased fourfold in the past 100 years. Kurzgesagt will explain how the population will change during the next century and what the population increase means.

Scenarios that can occur with the population increase in the future include the occurrence of a large number of immigrants ... ...

Epidemic and epidemic of pollution accompanying an increase in slum areas

Various confusion such as water, food, violence over energy may occur.

Is an increase in the population leading to the destruction of the future of mankind?

In 1960 the speed of population growth has reached an unprecedented level.

This led to the talk of the world's end, such as the endless expansion of the poor and covering the world.OverpopulationThe birth of the problem.

Such high birth rates and the explosive growth of the population do not last forever.Demographic changeCan be divided into a total of four stages, explosive population growth is the first stage.

Already most developed countries have undergone demographic transition.

It was around the 18th century that population growth began in Europe.

At that time Europe was in the process of development and suffered from problems of public health, food and medical care.

Many people were born, but population will not increase, as many people will die as well. Women of the time bore 4 to 6 children per person, but only two of them were able to reach adults.

Meanwhile,Industrial RevolutionThat is what happened to people's livesAgricultural revolutionA big change since then has come. Farmers become workers who produce industrial products ... ...

Mass-produced products widely spread.

With the development of science, advanced transportation technology, communication means, medical care has developed.

The role of women has also changed, and the social position to have voting rights and so on has been established.

This gradual economic progress not only produced middle class, but also increased the standard of living of the poor labor group.

After such a period, the second phase will start next.

Mortality rate of young people declined due to improvement of food supply · hygiene · medicine.

The explosive growth of the population begins.

The population of the UK which was 6 million in 1750 ... ...

It has increased to 15 million people, more than doubling in 100 years until 1850.

In the times when it is highly possible that a child will die without adulthood, the birthrate will rise to leave descendants.

As soon as the standard of living improves, the possibility of losing a child decreases and the population explosively increases.

Then it is no longer necessary to give birth to many children. Fertility rate declined. Along with this, we will shift to the third stage where the population increase will slow down.

As the mortality rate decreases, the birthrate will also decline and a stable state will come to be born.

In this way, the UK completed population shift, but later in the UK, the demographic transition occurred in many European countries as well.

In summary, in the first stage of demographic transition, the mortality and fertility rate will rise due to the poor environment.

In the second stage, the standard of living shows signs of improvement and the mortality rate begins to decline. Because the high birthrate remains intact, the population will begin to explode.

In the third stage the mortality rate and the birthrate are lower, and the explosive growth of the population stops.

In this way, many developed countries are in the final stage of stable population growth, why does the world population continue to increase?

It is due to the fact that those born in the second stage where the population explosively increases, became adults and bore their children, respectively.

However, the birth rate of the children is lower than that of the parent generation. In the 1970s, there were five children on average per household, but in modern times it is 2.5 people per household.

Although most countries in the world are already in the final stage of the demographic transition, it is believed that the birthrate will further decline in the future, so it is believed that the rapid increase in the world population will eventually fall.

There is no exception in the gradual trend of demographic transition, and we know that similar population fluctuations will occur in any country.

In developed countries it took 80 years to reach the final stage where population growth stopped ... ...

Malaysia and South Africa are 34 years, Bangladesh is exactly 20 years, Iran has completed population shift in only 10 years.

This is thought to be largely affected by the assistance of developing countries by developed countries. For example, fundless donation has been used to solve the population problem on the back of the Earth, helping to stop the explosive population growth and becoming profitable for themselves.

It is also the era when the poor are the fewest in the present age.

Since the increase in the world population finishes soon, there is no fear of the end prophecy. Also, according to the United Nations forecast, it is announced that world population will not exceed 12 billion people.

in Note,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log