House food 'gentle late night curry' tasting review that can be eaten without feeling guilty even late at night with 100 kcal or less per meal

From House Foods, 3 minutes 'late night gentle curry mellow ripe tomatoes and five kinds of vegetables / thick light brown onions and broth' of one day's worth of vegetables it is entered in the cup curry which was suppressed to only about 90kcal calories 2021 2 Appeared on the 8th of March. It is said that it is a 'potage-style curry that is just right for evening meals' that you can eat without rice by simply heating it in a microwave oven in a cup container. I was wondering what kind of curry it was, so I actually tried it.

Gently late at night curry | Brand site | House foods

Below are the gentle late-night curry 'mellow ripe tomatoes & 5 kinds of vegetables' (left) and 'rich candy-colored onions & bouillon' (right).

First of all, I will try 'mellow ripe tomatoes & 5 kinds of vegetables'. Below the night sky drawn on the package is a picture of a tomato-based curry with plenty of ingredients.

Looking at the raw material names, the base of roux is carrot concentrate and tomato paste, roasted spice paste, chicken ace, garlic paste, salt, spices, curry powder, etc. The ingredients are red peppers, mizukuwai, grilled zucchini, etc. Calories are 92 kcal per cup. According to Tanita's

calorie intake chart , one cup of chicken curry has 690 kcal, so 92 kcal per cup is quite low in calories.

I opened the lid a little before warming it up. You can see the finely chopped vegetables in the thick curry.

Gently late-night curry is gently late-night curry is developed with the concept of 'curry that can be enjoyed without rice', so you can eat it as it is just by warming it in a 500 W microwave oven for 1 minute. ..

'Mellow ripe tomatoes & 5 kinds of vegetables' is a tomato-based roux with a reddish tinge, and has a slight sweetness, and the flavor of flavored vegetables and the umami of chicken are strongly felt. The vegetable ingredients are soft and mellow, but the only one that has a crispy texture is a nice accent. Some are more like tomato potage than curry roux, but the spicy aroma of curry is strong. From the editorial staff who tasted it, 'It tastes like curry and it tastes a little different, so if you eat this, you may want to eat more authentic curry.' 'I do not feel full, but the desire to eat curry is satisfied. There was an opinion that 'maybe'.

When I tried to eat the 'mellow ripe tomatoes & 5 kinds of vegetables' of the late-night curry gently over rice, it was quite sweetened by the tomatoes and vegetables, so when combined with the sweetness of the rice The impression is that it will be a very sweet curry.

Next, I will gently eat the late-night curry 'rich candy-colored onions & bouillon'.

Ingredients include mushrooms, sauteed onions, and dried onions. The base of roux is tomato paste, celery paste, bouillon, creaming powder, curry powder, chicken extract, etc.

When I opened the lid before warming, I saw a darker brown roux that was darker than 'mellow ripe tomatoes & 5 kinds of vegetables'.

Warm in a 500W microwave for 1 minute.

I ate warm 'rich candy-colored onions & bouillon'. The aroma and sweetness of the onions that have been fried from the first bite to a light brown color spread firmly, and you can feel the umami and creamy richness of the bouillon. It has a spicy aroma, but no spiciness. The texture of sliced mushrooms is also enjoyable, and it has a refined and luxurious taste compared to 'mellow ripe tomatoes & 5 kinds of vegetables'.

I also tried 'rich candy-colored onions & bouillon' over rice, but the sweetness of the onions is quite strong, so it feels like I'm eating a thin curry-flavored demiglace sauce over rice rather than a regular curry. The oil is quite low and light, so you can taste the aroma of spices, but the feeling of eating curry is rather thin. However, it may match the concept of late-night curry, which is 'I want to easily satisfy my curry desire to control myself when I suddenly want to eat curry in the middle of the night.'

The gentle late-night curry 'Mellow ripe tomatoes & 5 kinds of vegetables' and 'Rich candy-colored onions & bouillon' can be purchased at some convenience stores in the Kanto region from February 8, 2021 (Monday).

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by log1i_yk