A wallet that was lost in Antarctica half a century ago is delivered to the owner

by Nelvin C. Cepeda / The San Diego Union-Tribune
The San Diego Union-Tribune, a daily newspaper in San Diego, California, reported that a wallet that was lost in Antarctica in the 1960s was safely delivered to him more than 50 years later. The goodwill of many people was behind the identification of the owner of the wallet that was lost half a century ago.
San Diego man reunited with wallet lost in Antarctica 53 years ago --The San Diego Union-Tribune
Navy veteran blown away after wallet lost in Antartica in the 1960s returned to him 53 years later | Daily Mail Online
The first person in 53 years to pick up his wallet is Paul Gresham, 91, who lives in California. Gresham, a meteorologist belonging to the US Navy, participated in Operation Deep Freeze conducted by the Navy to support private-sector research. In 1967, he was dispatched to McMurdo Station on Ross Island , Antarctica, where he was tasked with predicting the weather near the base.
After that, Mr. Gresham returned to California after completing his mission about 13 months later in 1968, but he returned with his wallet lost at the base and eventually forgot that he lost his wallet. ..
Gresham (left) while working at McMurdo Station and Jim McNeely (right), then commander celebrating his promotion.

by The San Diego Union-Tribune / Courtesy photo
It was Stephen Decato, who worked for an Antarctic research institute, and his daughter Sarah Lindberg, who returned Gresham's wallet to him. Mr. Decato and Mr. Lindberg said, 'McMurdo in 2014,' from former boss George Blazedel, after succeeding in returning the ID bracelet of the naval officer who was previously sold in the store to himself. I want you to find the owner of the wallet found behind the locker when the base building was demolished. ' The two who undertook the search for owners contacted a veterans support group via Facebook, which contacted the Marine Meteorological Association to determine the contact information for the wallet owner.
Gresham regained his wallet, which he had forgotten to lose, saying, 'I'm just surprised. I'm sure many people have worked hard to find this wallet and get it to me. Probably. '
In the wallet I found for the first time in half a century, I found an ID card from the Navy era ...

by Nelvin C. Cepeda / The San Diego Union-Tribune
It contained a card with information on what to do when attacked by nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons. In addition, there was also a driver's license, beer distribution ticket, tax withholding slip, receipt of postal exchange when remittance to my wife, etc., but since there is no shop at the base, cash was not included. That is.

by Nelvin C. Cepeda / The San Diego Union-Tribune
During his active career, Gresham engaged in missions in Guam, Hawaii, and Japan in addition to Antarctica, and was a crew member of an aircraft carrier twice. Regarding one of the most memorable episodes of his mission in Antarctica, Gresham said, 'The most memorable thing is that it was just cold. If you leave a can of soda outside, it takes less than 15 minutes. It was a place that would freeze and burst at home. '
Lindberg, who helped find the owner of the wallet, said, 'It was very pleasant to find the owner of the wallet. My father was proud that the wallet was delivered to the legitimate owner. And my grandfather, who was a Navy soldier, will surely be proud. '
In addition, Mr. Decato and Mr. Lindberg have also identified the owner of another wallet found with Mr. Gresham's wallet. The owner of the wallet is a man named Paul Howard who died in 2016, and the bereaved family of the man who received the wallet also thanked him for delivering the wallet of the deceased.
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