Review of 'NSFW Filter', an extension that automatically filters suspicious images on the web locally.

'NSFW Filter ' is an open source extension that automatically processes NSFW (Not Safe For Work) images from web pages using TensorFlow.js, a JavaScript library for machine learning. .. NSFW Filter does not collect or send user data, it is executed locally on the browser, so I actually tried using it.
GitHub --nsfw-filter / nsfw-filter: ???? A Google Chrome / Firefox extension that blocks NSFW images from the web pages that you load using TensorFlow JS.

NSFW Filter – Get this Extension for ???? Firefox (en-US)
NSFW Filter-Chrome Web Store
This time we will introduce the Firefox version. Go to the distribution page in Firefox and click 'Add to Firefox'.
A pop-up confirming the addition of NSFW Filter will be displayed, so click 'Add (A)'.

Click the padlock icon displayed in the upper right to display the NSFW Filter setting screen. The 'Filter Strictness' slide switch at the top is the strength of the filter, and the more you move it to the right, the stronger the correction by the filter. 'Filter Effect' can be selected from two types, Blur (blurring) and Hide (hidden). 'Trained model' is a learning model used for image selection, and at the time of article creation, it is only MovileNet_v1.1.

I tried to search the image of 'Porn' on Google.
The result is like this. The blurred part is the part that was automatically processed by NSFW Filter, and the mosaic part is the part that was manually processed because the filter was not applied. Most of the images displayed were NSFW content, but the NSFW Filter processed about one-third of the total.

Next, when I searched for images with 'nude', about half of the search results were processed by NSFWFilter. Since it is the result of image selection by machine learning, it does not process 100%, and the accuracy of image selection is not so high at the time of article creation. Still, the image processed by the training model is exactly obscured by the blur filter.

When I opened the setting screen with the NSFW Filter processed, the number of processed contents was displayed, such as 'Total blocked: 26'.

In addition to the Firefox version and Chrome version of NSFW Filter, the Safari version is also under development.
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