Microsoft releases x64 emulation of Windows 10 for ARM in preview

On December 10, 2020, Microsoft released
Introducing x64 emulation in preview for Windows 10 on ARM PCs to the Windows Insider Program | Windows Insider Blog program /

One of Microsoft's latest Windows 10 test builds includes promised x64 Arm emulation | ZDNet
Microsoft announced the first Windows 10 to work comfortably on ARM-based processors in 2016, and in early 2018, the first PC with the ARM version of Windows 10 was launched.
In the early days of Microsoft's support for ARM processors, most of the apps users needed were 32-bit-only x86 apps, so they wanted to build x86 emulations that could seamlessly run the broad Windows ecosystem. He said he was focusing on it. Therefore, the ARM version of Windows so far can only run x86 apps in general and 'x64 apps developed for ARM version of Windows', and the number of apps that can be executed has been limited.
However, over time, the ecosystem has moved to 64-bit x64 apps, and there has been more feedback that users want x64 emulation support. In response to this situation, Microsoft has expanded the emulation function and announced in October 2020 that it will release x64 emulation for ARM version Windows 10.
Introducing x64 embroidery for Windows 10 with ARM, making all x64 apps work-GIGAZINE

Although later than originally expected to release x64 emulation in November 2020, x64 emulation for ARM Windows 10 was released as a preview on December 10 in the Windows Insider Program. ..
With this preview version, you can install x64 apps from the Microsoft Store or anywhere. You can try out the behavior of tools and games that are only available as x64 apps, or you can run apps such as Chrome, which were previously run as 32-bit apps, as 64-bit.
In addition, the x64 emulation released by the Windows Insider Program is still a preview version in the development stage, and it is possible that some of the apps you tried to run may not work. The compatibility and performance of x64 emulation is expected to improve over time, including feedback from users.
'Emulating x64 apps is an important step in the advancement of Windows 10 for AMR, as developers are increasingly supporting ARM64 apps natively,' Microsoft said in an official blog. It was.
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in Software, Posted by log1h_ik