A new theory about the identity of the mysterious signal 'Wow! Signal' from space

From the detection in 1977 to 2020, the mysterious signal ' Wow! Signal ' sent from space has not yet been identified as its source or anything, and 'maybe it was sent by an extraterrestrial life form.' Isn't it? ' Wow with various theories! As for the signal, a new amateur astronomer is advocating a new theory.
[2011.06090] An approximation to determine the source of the WOW! Signal

Amateur astronomer Alberto Caballero finds possible source of Wow! Signal
1977, Search for extraterrestrial intelligence Jerry Eman Dr. had participated in (SETI) is a big ears radio telescope, we were able to receive a strong signal for about 72 seconds. SETI project participants thought that this signal might have originated from space vs. life, and Dr. Eman wrote 'Wow!' On the signal strength paper, so Wow! It has become known as a signal among scientists and science fiction fans around the world.
Is the identity of 'Wow! Signal', which is suspected to be a mysterious signal from extraterrestrial life, finally revealed? --GIGAZINE

This Wow! The signal was not revealed as a mysterious signal for a long time, but in 2016 Professor Antonio Paris of St. Petersburg State University said, 'Wow! Signal is a big year with two comets, 266P Christensen and 335P Gibbs. It's a signal generated when crossing a radio telescope. ' Professor Paris will be Wow in 2017! The treatise concluded that the signal was due to a comet, but other scientists said that the treatise was 'insufficient in information.' 'When the signal was detected, the comet was in the telescope's observation range.There were many counterarguments and criticisms .
(PDF file) http://planetary-science.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Paris_WAS_103_02.pdf

In other words, Wow! As of 2020, no conclusions have been reached regarding the identity of the signal. Meanwhile, Alberto Caballero, an amateur astronomer and founder of the YouTube channel ' The Exoplanets Channel, ' said Wow! From the observation database of the astronomical observer Gaia published by the European Space Agency (ESA). We announced the results of investigating the sources of signals.
Mr. Caballero first hypothesized that the place where life is likely to exist is one of the extrasolar planets, like the Earth, which orbits a star like the Sun. Based on this hypothesis, Mr. Caballero investigated Gaia's database.
Gaia's database was opened by ESA in 2013 and has successfully mapped approximately 1.3 billion stars so far. As a result of the search, Wow! I discovered that the star '2MASS 19281982-2640123' corresponds to the 'star that replaces the sun' that exists near the place where the signal is generated.
'There are other candidate stars, but I think we can start a new study of exoplanets with 2MASS 19281982-2640123,' said Caballero. On the other hand, Mr. Caballero publishes his paper on arXiv , a database that publishes unpeer-reviewed papers, and some have pointed out that it is 'just a speculation.'
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