Re-analyzed observational data of 'High Speed Radio Burst' arriving from 3 billion light years ahead and find a new burst

by Breakthrough Listen / Danielle Futselaar
Reanalyzed observational data of high-speed radio burst (FRB) using a new machine learning algorithm in the Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life Object Exploration (SETI) project at the University of California, Berkeley, 72 new bursts were discovered It was.
Breakthrough Listen: Machine Learning Enables New Detections of FRB 121102

Breakthrough Initiatives
The FRB is a phenomenon in which radio waves are radiated only a few milliseconds from distant galaxies. Although most of them are observed only once, about 300 bursts have been observed since the discovery in 2012 from a source called "FRB 121102". In 2017, analysis based on data observed for 5 hours was conducted, 21 bursts were found, the location of the source was 3 billion light-years away, the dwarf at 0.193 redshift It turned out to be a star formation area in the galaxy .
A mysterious radio wave from the universe "High speed radio burst" was found out where in the universe occurred - GIGAZINE

Gerry Zhang, University of California, Berkeley, has reanalyzed the 400 TB data set used in identifying this source using a new machine learning algorithm. We found 72 bursts that had been overlooked in the previous analysis.
This result suggests that if the pattern period is longer than about 10 milliseconds, the pulse will not be received in a regular pattern.
Although I do not know whether the FRB is a sign of the existence of extraterrestrial life forms, these studies are rapidly expanding "understanding areas" in the universe surrounding us.
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