Marketing report that produced an effect of 20 million yen from advertising expenses of 600,000 yen

In order to sell a product or service, it is important to first get to know the product or company. Advertising on the Internet can direct Internet users directly to the website to encourage them to purchase products or apply for services, but in order to achieve high cost-effectiveness, consider where to put the advertisement and how to place it. need to do it.

Wifi Dabba, an Internet provider, paid $ 6,000 for advertising on Internet blogs to spread its service, and earned $ 200,000 from it. I am reporting.

Wifi Dabba

Wifi Dabba is a young company that develops low-cost broadband networks in India and believes in decentralized ownership of the Internet. This is a project that divides the city of Bangalore, India into 100 regions, and anyone can buy one of them and pay the cost of the network to earn income in return.

Founded in 2017, Wifi Dabba has spent three years building and testing networks, but hasn't done much advertising. However, he said that he strengthened his social media efforts to promote the project in earnest and placed an advertisement on a blog called Daring Fireball .

The reason for choosing Daring Fireball is that Wifi Dabba staff have been reading blogs for a long time, and because of the quality of the content and insight into the IT industry, many blog readers are also interested in Wifi Dabba's services. I was convinced, the report said. The ad will run for a week starting August 17, 2020, with the ad displayed in the sidebar of the blog page and the RSS feed to reach the reader directly.

The advertising message was designed in bold colors to stand out in dark blogs. Given the nature of the readers of the blog, the explanation is focused on technology.

In addition, assuming the flow of 'seeing the advertisement of the blog, linking to the site, and moving to purchase or inquiry from there', he added phrases and contact processes that encourage readers' actions. Since Wifi Dabba is a small team, assuming hundreds of visitors a day, the contact page was prepared to take you to a calendar that schedules phone calls.

After a week of $ 6,000 in advertising, the Wifi Dabba site was visited 7200 times, 75 of which were contacted by email or phone, and eventually sold 10 of them. Wifi Dabba reports that the unit price of the service is 20,000 dollars (about 2.1 million yen), so the total revenue is 200,000 dollars (about 21 million yen).

in Note, Posted by log1e_dh