Swisscom devises a new method to keep 1 Gbps even on the train, the point is 'change of window glass'

Many people use the Internet, such as those who write e-mails, those who read newspapers, and those who stream movies on the train while commuting, so there are problems such as the communication speed being inevitably limited due to network congestion. Get up. Swisscom , Switzerland 's largest telecommunications operator, has been working to solve this problem for 10 years, and on October 21, 2020, announced that as a result, 'it has become possible to output more than 1 Gbps even on the train.' ..
Greater bandwidth in trains | Swisscom
According to Swisscom spokesman Armin Schädeli, in order to realize a high-speed Internet of 1 Gbps even in trains, measures were taken to change the windows of trains to special glass that allows radio waves to pass through. However, it seems that it is still very difficult to maintain a good communication environment at all times regardless of the train route in the communication environment inside the train where multiple mobile phones send and receive a lot of data. Therefore, the method of installing the antenna along the railroad track was adopted.

At the time of writing the article, Swisscom is conducting an experiment to install an 'antenna corridor' along the railroad track on the route from Weaverkov to Kerenzerberg. The antenna corridor has been installed over 4km and has recorded 1.2Gbps even on running trains.
'This concept has set a new benchmark for the mobile industry,' said Christoph Aeschlimann, head of IT, networks and infrastructure at Swisscom. 'Until a year ago, we could even do this. But now we have been able to provide passengers with a stable and reliable solution, which has created important insights on the train. '
According to Swisscom, the closer the antenna is to the device, the less power it needs to communicate.
Following the results of this test, Swisscom plans to further expand the antenna corridor in the first quarter of 2021 and conduct various verifications at the same time. Swisscom said the longer-term goal is to provide uninterrupted and good communication along the main routes of the train.

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