Apple asks messaging app Telegram to shut down specific groups of channels
Apple has asked its privacy-focused messaging app, Telegram , to remove the channel of the group protesting the Belarusian government.
Telegram: Contact @durov
Telegram Forced to Close Channels Run by Belarus Protestors --Decrypt
Apple Tells Secure Messaging App Telegram to Take Down Protestor Channels in Belarus | iPhone in Canada Blog
Telegram is an instant messaging system that allows you to send and receive messages, voice memos, photos, videos, and all other file formats while maintaining privacy by encrypting communications. According to the official announcement, as of April 2020, the number of monthly active users has exceeded 400 million.
Telegram Messenger
Using Telegram's anonymity, it is believed that multiple groups protesting the Berlasi government were 'sharing the personal information of people in the power camp.' The group in question said that they were working to share the personal information of people belonging to the Lukashenko camp after the incumbent President Alexander Lukashenko was re-elected in August 2020.
In response to this situation, Apple requested Telegram to remove the channel used by the group in question, saying that sharing personal information could incite violence. Telegram expressed its willingness to intervene, but blocked the channel in question on Telegram for iOS, saying 'there are no options under the App Store terms.' According to Telegram, only Telegram for iOS was blocked, and other platforms will not block the channel in question.
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov mentioned issues such as Apple taxes and censorship on the App Store on his Telegram account and accused Apple of 'having been monopolizing the App Store for over a decade.'
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