Internal documents reveal that Amazon was promoting the introduction of a union monitoring system

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It is reported that the company's internal documents have revealed the existence of the GeoSPatial Operating Console (SPOC), a system that monitors trade unions organized by Amazon employees.

Leaked Amazon internal memo reveals new software to track unions --Vox

Amazon Tracks Unions With geoSPatial Operating Console --ValueWalk

Vox, a foreign news media, said on October 6, 2020, 'Amazon's internal confidential documents we obtained have led the company to invest heavily in technology to track and counter union movements. It turned out, 'he said, revealing that the existence of a system to monitor trade unions was leaked.

In a February 2020 document obtained by Vox, Amazon's plan to spend a lot of money to analyze and visualize data from unions around the world is on par with dealing with 'threats' such as crime and climate. It was described in. About half of the 40 datasets included in the document were related to issues such as unions, forced overtime, and work accidents. The internal documents require the budget and personnel needed to deploy software that integrates and visually maps data held by the Human Resources Department, Global Intelligence Unit, etc. in order for Amazon to respond to these threats. was.

In addition, the internal document was evaluated by the monitoring system SPOC as being useful for visualizing 40 data sets. Many of these datasets were related to unions, such as 'Whole Foods Market activities and unionization efforts,' 'Union subsidy flow patterns,' and 'Existence of local union branches and alternative labor groups.' That is.

For some time, the conflict between Amazon and the union has often surfaced, and it turns out that in 2018 Amazon sent a 'anti-union' training movie to Whole Foods team leaders.

It is reported that Amazon sent an 'anti-union' training video to the Whole Foods team leader --GIGAZINE

Also in September 2020, it was reported that Amazon was recruiting personnel to monitor trade union organization on its recruitment page.

Amazon interferes with union organization? Temporarily recruiting monitoring personnel (Photo = Reuters): Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Amazon's former senior HR manager, who spoke to Vox on condition of anonymity, said of SPOC, 'In my opinion, this is definitely part of a strategy to avoid unions. With this tool, union finances It will be possible to infer power and the success rate of union campaigns leading to collective bargaining. '

In addition, Stuart Appelbaum, president of Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) , a trade union in the retail industry, issued a statement on October 6 following SPOC coverage. 'Today's leak coverage is another exposure of Amazon's long-held data mining to the sun, disturbing at every conceivable level,' said Appelbaum. In this country, workers have rights. Neither Amazon nor any other company is allowed to spy on workers to prevent them from exercising their rights. '

Meanwhile, Amazon spokeswoman Jacey Anderson said, 'We want our employees to join trade unions and other legitimate organizations of their choice without fear of retaliation, intimidation or harassment. Or we respect the employee's right to choose not to join, 'he said in a statement.

in Software, Posted by log1l_ks