Does your personality change as you get older?

Humans experience various changes in their lives, but whether or not an individual's personality changes with age is based on the opinion that 'as the saying goes, the personality of a person does not change, as the saying goes, up to 100 souls of triplets.' There are various opinions such as 'a person's personality becomes rounder with age.' The question of whether a person's personality changes with age is the subject of research by psychologists, and the science media Live Science summarizes the results of multiple studies.

Sixteen going on sixty-six: A longitudinal study of personality stability and change across 50 years. --PsycNET

Does your personality change as you get older? | Live Science

Personality is a person's unique pattern of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and many people tend to think that their personality is fixed. However, Brent Roberts, a psychologist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , points out that 'personality is a developing phenomenon, not a fixed and insurmountable static.'

Roberts argues that it is not an extreme thing, such as 'people change their personality every time they wake up in the morning,' but that their personality changes so little that they can hardly perceive the change in their personality from a short-term perspective. It is a possibility. It seems that the result that a person's personality changes in the long run has been found by a longitudinal study conducted by many psychologists.

A (PDF file) study published in 2000 found five psychological traits called the Big Five (openness, diligence, extroversion, coordination, and neurotic tendencies) from childhood to the 70s. 152 longitudinal studies of people were analyzed. As a result of the analysis, it became clear that the personality traits of the participants tended to be consistent over a period of 10 years.

Brent Donneran, a professor of psychology at Michigan State University , points out that consistent patterns of personality appear around the age of three or even earlier. 'The actions taken by a shy 3-year-old are different from those taken by a shy person in their twenties, but there is a fundamental core,' said Doneran. Of the follow-up the character of the people from 3 years old to 18-year-old 1995 study in, it has shown that personality characteristics are taken over to the point of the 18-year-old at the time of the 3-year-old.

However, Roberts argues that although it is difficult to grasp the change in personality in the period of 5 to 10 years, the personality of people is changing, albeit very slowly, in the period of several decades. .. In a study published in 2018, people's personalities were followed up for a whopping 50 years.

In 1960, psychologists conducted an extensive personality survey of 440,000 high school students, or 5% of those who lived in the United States at the time. Fifty years later, another psychologist found 1952 people who responded to the survey at the time and conducted the same survey, and found that respondents in their 60s were more calm, confident, leadership, and socially sensitive than when they were teenagers. Turned out to be much higher. Apart from this study, other longitudinal studies that followed people's personalities over a period of decades showed similar trends.

In general, people tend to be extroverted, emotionally stable, friendly and conscientious as they get older, which psychologists call the 'principle of maturity.' The degree to which personality changes according to the principle of maturity varies from person to person, but it seems that this principle applies to almost everyone.

People are unaware that their personality has changed, not only because the change is very slow, but also because they tend to compare themselves to those around them when judging their personality. That is also one of the reasons. As my personality changes according to the principle of maturity, people of the same age around me also change their personality, so it becomes difficult to perceive my change.

There is evidence that the question, 'Why does your personality change as you get older?' Is not due to dramatic events such as marriage, the birth of a child, or the death of a loved one. From this evidence, it is said that the change in 'behavior expected of oneself' is causing a change in personality as people go to college, get a job, become a worker, and have a family. , Psychologists are thinking.

'There is no user manual on how people behave, but there is a very clear tacit understanding of how we should behave in these situations,' Roberts said. He argued that his personality could change while he was alive according to the tacit understanding.

in Note, Posted by log1h_ik