It turns out that Amazon was checking the contract worker's SNS to check if it would strike

Amazon is monitoring the interaction of employees on SNS in dozens of countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Spain, IT board news media Motherboard reports. Amazon was not only checking the behavior of employees, but was watching for strikes and protests.
Amazon Is Spying on Its Workers in Closed Facebook Groups, Internal Reports Show
What was monitored was the driver of a sole proprietor who participates in ' Amazon Flex ' that undertakes the delivery business directly from Amazon . The file that Motherboard independently obtained has a document called ``Social media monitoring'', which summarizes the search results of Amazon Flex driver's Facebook group, website, bulletin board, Twitter. thing. It seems that some Facebook groups could not be viewed without approval.

According to Motherboard, Amazon has created a team called ``Advocacy Operations Social Listening Team'' that monitors drivers based on documents, and captures posts written by Amazon Flex drivers on SNS and concrete contents and Amazon side It was said that the response was summarized in the report. Amazon's SNS monitoring system can be accessed online, and it seems that only limited people could log in with IDs and passwords owned by them.

The report categorized driver posts and shared news by content. There are news headlines such as 'Warehouse employees are complaining about the working environment' 'Worker groups are planning strikes and protests against Amazon', and negative news to Amazon The driver who shared the information was identified, and complaints from the driver and the surrounding reactions to it were also summarized.

The monitoring system domain was said to have been registered by a person who was also registered as a contact for a company based in India, Motherboard asked this person for comment, but it seems that there was no answer.
In addition, Amazon has also been recruiting intelligence analysts to deal with labor organizations. According to jobs that have already been deleted, 'sensitive topics including the threat of labor organization to the company' 'funds and activities for corporate campaigns against Amazon' 'sensitive to human resources and employee relationships It was also reported that two intelligence analysts were recruited who can analyze such things as 'the situation including topics.'
Amazon seeks intelligence analyze to track'labor organizing threats'

An Amazon spokesman said, 'The job listing in question did not accurately describe the job description. This job listing was created incorrectly and has since been modified.'
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