Judgment that 'Amazon should also be responsible for products in the marketplace'

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On August 13, 2020, a California court ruled that 'Amazon's liability extends to products in the

Amazon Marketplace where third parties sell goods through Amazon.com.' It has been pointed out that Amazon will be hit hard by this, which is said to have been making huge profits from the marketplace .

Amazon can be held liable for faulty goods, court rules

Amazon Suffers Major Court Loss to San Diego Woman Hurt by Exploding Battery-Times of San Diego

Amazon can be held liable for products sold on Marketplace, appeals court rules-The Verge

The legal liability for products sold by third-party vendors on Amazon's marketplace and the damage resulting from defects in those products has often been discussed in court. In a recent case, a Pennsylvania man sued Amazon for an injury due to a product purchased in the marketplace, while the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals said in July 2019, ``Amazon is a third party in the marketplace. You have to take responsibility for the products you handle.'

The ruling that Amazon must also be legally responsible for products sold by third party vendors-GIGAZINE

This time, it was Angela Bolger, a clinical researcher at the San Diego Navy Medical Center in California, who filed a lawsuit to blame Amazon for damage caused by products bought at Amazon Marketplace. He purchased a battery for a laptop from a vendor called Lenoge Technology, which sold products in the marketplace in 2016, but the battery ignited during use, and Mr. Bolger suffered serious injuries diagnosed as degree III burns. It was.

Later, when Lenoge Technology turned out to be an intangible paper company, Bolger filed a lawsuit against Amazon for liability. On the other hand, a lower court in the state of California in 2019 said, ``Amazon is not responsible for the company because it only provided marketplace services and did not manufacture, distribute or sell products''. I handed down the judgment.

However, in a subsequent appeal, the California District Court of Appeals said, 'Amazon, whether it's a 'distributor' or just a 'promote' to marketplace products, is sold through Amazon's site. Amazon must take responsibility if the product is found to be defective, and upheld the lower court's decision by recognizing Amazon's responsibility.

The court also said, 'It is not reasonable for Amazon to avoid liability under Section 230 (Section 230) of the Communications Quality Act, which states that 'the site is not responsible for the content you post on the site.' It also shows the view.

This decision only discusses Mr. Bolger's case, but in a similar trial pending in various places in the United States, 'Amazon is not a manufacturer, so it is not covered by the Product Liability Law'. The position of these courts may also be affected due to the dispute on the standpoint.

'It's impossible to exaggerate the impact of this ruling,' said Jeremy Robinson, a Bolger attorney. Consumers across the country will realize the impact of the case. He emphasized the significance of the victory.

The IT news site The Verge asked Amazon for a comment, but it said that the answer was not received.

in Web Service, Posted by log1l_ks