Microsoft succeeded in the world's first 'to operate the data center with hydrogen continuously for 48 hours'

Microsoft announced on July 27, 2020, 'As the first attempt in the world, we have succeeded in supplying electricity to the data center for 48 hours continuously using hydrogen fuel cells.' Following the success of this test, Microsoft is
Microsoft tests hydrogen fuel cells for backup power at datacenters | Innovation Stories
For a long time, Microsoft has been making efforts to save energy in data centers and introduce clean energy. In 2012, it began developing a data center integrated with a power plant using wastewater . In 2016, we started a project called `` Project Natick '' to develop a data center that generates power from the sea power and cools it with seawater.In 2018, we succeeded in actually setting up the data center in the sea off Scotland. I am.
Microsoft has set up a data center in the sea, clean specifications that electric power can be supplied only by renewable energy-GIGAZINE

Following a series of efforts aimed at reducing the environmental impact of data centers, Microsoft reported on July 27 that it conducted a hydrogen fuel cell test jointly with renewable energy company Power Innovations . Among them, it announced that it has succeeded in operating a data center for 48 hours continuously using a hydrogen fuel cell.
According to Microsoft, its Azure data center uses diesel power as a backup power source to achieve a five nines (99.999%) uptime. Regarding the future outlook for backup power supplies in data centers, Mark Monroe, Microsoft's chief infrastructure engineer, said, ``Hydrogen fuel cells were very expensive, but in recent years it can be replaced by diesel power generation as a backup power source. Is decreasing.”
Below is a photo of the polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell system actually used in this test. Regarding the reason for using the PEM fuel cell system as a backup power source for the data center, Mr. Monroe said, ``It can deliver maximum output in a few seconds from startup, and it can be removed and put on the floor or put in an idle state. It has the characteristic of being easy.'
by Power Innovations
According to Monroe, the 250 kW fuel cell system procured this time is the world's largest backup power supply system for hydrogen-powered computing. Mr. Monroe plans to procure an even higher output 3 MW class hydrogen fuel cell system and carry out tests.
In January, Microsoft announced a plan to ' achieve a carbon negative in which carbon emissions will become negative by 2030 and eliminate all carbon dioxide that has been emitted since its establishment by 2050 from the environment '. As part of this, we will contribute to the development of the 'hydrogen economy'.
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