Movie 'DOMAIN' depicting 'isolated life after pandemic' as if to predict the new Corona

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'After the deadly virus wiped out most of humanity, the survivors will live in isolation in underground shelters. Survivors deepen their ties by connecting with video footage, but one survivor In addition, the SF movie ' DOMAIN ' called 'I will disappear with one person ...' was released in 2016. It's as if you were predicting a new type of coronavirus infection (COVID-19), and it makes you feel what is going on in life in isolation.

DOMAIN-Official Site

The trailer for DOMAIN can be viewed below.

DOMAIN-Teaser Trailer-YouTube

The letters 'SURVIVAL TECHNOLOGY' appear on the screen...

The woman who appeared. 'Hello, I am a designer of life support shelter' LSB 300. ' '

With the words, 'You are lucky people who survived the Sahara flu,' the people moving in a shelter with limited space were projected. Use furniture...

Using equipment.

Some people sit without power.

Take a shower with a little water...

The diet is a form in which something like protein powder is dissolved in water.

It's like a 'nutrient' soy

lent .

The shelter is equipped to keep people alive for up to 70 years, and the morning, day and night scenes are displayed on the wall as image images.

People who live alone.

However, even in such a situation, people manage to overcome the difficulty of daily life by communicating through images.

There are many displays in the room, and you can see the inside of each shelter. This communication system is called a 'domain' to ease people's loneliness.

However, the incident gradually begins to occur in the room.

The woman who was looking at the screen...

It seems that he starts to care about what he is seeing.

Provoking beyond the screen...

It gives off the shock of anger and sadness.


Trying to destroy the domain...

Some women cut cables.

White smoke flowing in vigorously.

A man who hangs his neck.

A bloody man...

Intermittent communication.

The developer woman is...

The video ended with the words, 'The human life depends on us.'

'DOMAIN' is being distributed on Amazon Prime Video. DVDs are also on sale. Watch Domain | Prime Video Domain [DVD]: Britt Lower, Ryan Merriman, Nathaniel Atcheson: DVD

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log