An incident occurs where the bladder of a man who drinks too much beer bursts

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An incident occurred in China in which the bladder of a man who fell asleep after drinking a large amount of beer bursts.

Prickly! Hajime Hajime boy, praise 10 Ten bottles! Bladder cleft!

Man's bladder explodes after holding in pee for 18 hours after beer binge | Fox News

According to the Chinese news agency Zhuji Daily, the man with a ruptured bladder is a 40-year-old man living in Zhuji, Zhejiang, China. After drinking 10 or more bottled beers at a drinking party, this man went to bed without going to the toilet. As a result, I kept urinating for about 18 hours.

A man who woke up with burning pain in his abdomen was immediately seen at a hospital in Zhuji City. According to the deputy director of the department of urology at the hospital, who was in charge of examining a man, the man had stiff muscles in his abdomen, and even with a light touch he complained of severe pain and could not even lie on his back. The man complained of his willingness to urinate, but he could not even urinate due to the rigidity of his muscles.

A CT scan revealed that the man's bladder had three ruptures and immediately required laparotomy. When three doctors operated, one of the rifts was open towards the

abdominal cavity , and part of the intestine was beginning to appear in the bladder. The doctors who performed the surgery explained that 'it was causing a necrotic bowel obstruction and could even die.'

Fortunately the surgery was successful and the man survived. The hospital referred to a bladder rupture like this one, which is 'a rare but seen case once a year.' 'Alcohol has the effect of desensitizing the central part of the brain and making it less likely to feel urinary. Although the bladder is elastic, its capacity is about 350-500 ml, and when full it is protected by fat and bones. Since it has the characteristic of moving upward from a certain position, even a small external force will cause a great deal of damage,'' he explained, calling attention to save the amount of drinking and go to the toilet after drinking. ..

Similar cases occurred in the US in 2015 . In this incident, a bladder ruptured as a result of a man who had a full bladder drinking beer and jumped into a lake.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log