A movie in which Boston Dynamics' quadruped walking robot 'Spot' chases sheep as a sheep dog is on sale

Robot software company
Rocos partners with Boston Dynamics
See Boston Dynamics robot dog Spot herd sheep like a pro in new video --CNET
Below is a Spot movie released by Rocos.
Autonomous farm work --enter the robots --YouTube
Rocos is developing a Spot management system for farm operation.

Spot that autonomously advances through the vineyard

On the front of the Spot, a heat sensor, a camera sensor, and a

The advantage of quadrupedal walking is that you can run on rough roads that are difficult to drive with wheels. Spot is a simple staircase built on the slope of a mountain ...

Proceed along the riverbank full of rocks and pebbles.
The farm spot is said to have been customized by Rocos. The Rocos logo is drawn on the left forefoot.

And Spot can also chase sheep on the farm. The appearance of Spot is completely different from that of a real dog, but it can properly guide the movement of a flock of sheep.

Until now, there were many images of Spot operating indoors or in a narrow place, but it can operate autonomously even in a wide place such as a ranch, and it can be operated remotely. 'Robots like the Boston Dynamics Spot will help us estimate yields better, solve the problem of labor shortages, and bring accuracy to agriculture,' Rocos said.

The system developed by Rocos can manage multiple Spots remotely, and it is possible to track how Spots behave from a PC. You can check the movement history of Spot on the map from the system side.

At the end of the movie, the appearance of Spot roaming on the sunny lawn was exactly like a sheep dog.

'The era of autonomous robots is approaching. We are working with organizations that adopt this technology to achieve the next level of business performance. Customers can be boring, dirty and dangerous,' said David Ings, CEO of Rocos. We're increasing human work to automate many physical processes. I'm excited to work with the Boston Dynamics team to help organizations expand their adoption of robotics. ' I have commented.
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