Google's policy to block resource-intensive ads in Chrome

Some online advertisements consume more battery and data communication volume of user terminals than necessary due to reasons such as 'mining of crypto assets (virtual currency) in the background' and 'insufficient optimization'. Exists. Google has announced that it plans to block these 'resource-intensive ads' in Chrome before it is displayed in order to improve the user experience.

Chromium Blog: Protecting against resource-heavy ads in Chrome

Google Chrome emphasizes high speed and responsiveness, and is being developed so that users can use it without harmful or annoying experiences. As part of this, we are working to address ads that many people find offensive, in accordance with the

Better Ads Standards set by the Coalition for Better Ads, an organization that works to improve online advertising.

Specific examples of 'unpleasant advertisements' are reasons such as 'secretly mining cryptocurrencies', 'insufficient programs', and 'not optimized for networks'. It is an advertisement that consumes extra resources. For the user, the battery and data traffic are unintentionally consumed.

Google Chrome will limit the resources available for ads in the future. If the resource limit is caught before the advertisement is displayed on the user terminal, an error page will be directed and the user will be notified that 'the advertisement tried to use too many resources'. matter. The image below is an example shown by Google.

The limit is that it targets particularly malicious advertisements, and the content is 'communication volume is 4 MB' and 'CPU time used per 30 seconds or 60 seconds is 15 seconds'. Advertisements that meet this limit account for only 0.3% of the total, but it is said that 27% of the total traffic is used and 28% of the total CPU time is used.

This change will be tested over several months and will be introduced into the stable version at the end of August 2020. Apart from this project, it has also been decided that 'long pre-roll ads that cannot be skipped immediately', 'mid-roll ads' and 'large display ads' will be blocked from August 2020 based on 'Better Ads Standards'.

Chrome will start blocking movie ads such as 'You can skip after 5 seconds' from August 2020 --GIGAZINE

in Software, Posted by logc_nt