Engineering undergraduate degree has become worthless in India due to low-level engineered rough fabrication

In India, where the

caste system is important, where the birth status system influences the life and the occupation can be decided by birth, the profession of IT engineers who can get a job regardless of the caste system is very popular. However, it is said that as a result of a sharp increase in the number of students who want to become engineers, more engineers in India are no longer able to perform their duties as engineers.

How the most prized degree in India became the most worthless-Rest of World

India's IT industry boomed as India eased restrictions on foreign investment in 1991 and Western companies hired thousands of Indian technology developers. Being a software engineer in India was a testament to success. However, it is generally limited to Indian Institute of Technology (IITs) employment.

To enter IITs, more than 1 million students take the combined entrance exam in April each year, but the competition rate is 50 times. To solve the problem of too little capacity for admissions, the Indian government deregulated in the early 2000s and authorized the establishment of new engineering departments and engineering colleges.

As a result, more than 3,500 engineering colleges and engineering departments were established in India, but the talents and skills of the individual were not emphasized, and the situation was that 'you can enroll if you pay only the money.' This 'accept only if you pay' admission slot now accounts for about one-third of all engineering admission slots in India, including IITs, from $ 15,000 (about 1.6 million yen) While high entrance fees of 35,000 dollars (about 3.7 million yen) have been imposed, the educational level of the university has dropped significantly, and about 90% of graduates work as software engineers He hasn't even acquired the necessary programming skills.

Research results that the trend that `` Indian IT engineers are excellent '' is incorrect-GIGAZINE

In mid-February 2020, the Indian Council for Technology Education announced in mid-February 2020 that it would suspend accreditation of the new university until 2022.

'In India, you need a' traditional degree 'before you do what you want to do,' said Anand Naia, an engineer working in a government organization. Said he needs to graduate.

Also, because the number of engineers has increased too much, the average annual income of new engineers has dropped to about 4,500 dollars (about 480,000 yen). Furthermore, in recent years, even after graduating from an engineering university, many people find jobs in sales sales, marketing, human resources, content management, etc. without becoming engineers, and in extreme cases, full-time Uber drivers and Uber Eats There are some people who get a job such as a delivery person.

Due to the ups and downs of engineering universities and faculties, the university's capacity has been reduced, and in 2017, only half of the universities in India reached the enrollment capacity. In the four years from 2016 to 2019, more than 500 universities were forced to close.

by ben dalton

'In my sense, a large number of unemployed engineers are affecting bottom floors,' said venture capitalist Nitin Sharma, welcoming the dropouts of lower-level universities. I will.

in Note, Posted by log1i_yk