Existence of contractors who undertake contracts from substitute examination of Chinese international students to papers substitution at university

ByEdTech Stanford University School of Medicine

The suspicion of at least 30 international exchange students to take a regular exam as a replacement exam is emerging at Iowa University in the United States. The Reuters who were investigating about the substitute examination highlighted the existence of traders who undertake homework assignments targeting Chinese students currently increasing in the United States, substitute exams for papers, substitute exams, and even unjust enrollment.

This industry helps Chinese cheat their way into & through US colleges

There are many Chinese students who are studying abroad at the Iowa University in the United States far away from their home country of China, although they can not adapt to different languages ​​and cultures, go to university. Companies that offer such services as soliciting such Chinese students by e-mail or chat and receiving tests from substitution of homework and papers instead. According to Reuters who wrote directly to Chinese students, the service of these companies seems to be an inconspicuous and attractive service for students who are struggling without being accustomed to language and culture at American universities.

ByCollegeDegrees 360

They said that on average they are sold as a course of about $ 1000 (about 110,000 yen) on each occasion such as substitute examination, paper substitution, online class. The University of Iowa, which is conducting a survey on students using these traders, does not reveal the student 's name or nationality, but Reuters who succeeded in contacting the university' s investigation officials It is said that all suspicions are Chinese.

Students who are subject to survey by the university by using the service of substitute examination will be excluded from the university. In the United States, when international students are removed from the university, the student visa expires and can be ordered to leave the country, which leads to the toughest result of going back to China though I studied abroad carefully.

Chinese students who used merchants who mediate paper substitution and substitute exams are found not only at the University of Iowa but also at other universities in the United States and it is currently the case that severe disposal is given if found. There are also not only Chinese but also students of other nationalities and those targeting Americans, but there seems to be many professionals specializing in China due to the high demand for Chinese studying abroad.

When a Chinese student was enrolled at the law department of the University of Iowa, he paid $ 1,200 (about 130,000 yen) to a trader called UI International and asked for a substitute exam for a mid-term exam. In response to Reuters' interview, the student said, "At first I was not thinking about taking a substitute exam, but my assignment has always been bad, so I started to worry about my exams. Strictly, my expectation for my grades at the university was extremely high, and because my mother was sick, I did not want to worry about my grades, so I requested a vendor to take a substitute exam I feel that I am wrong now, "he explains why he used the merchant.

Another Chinese international student uses a service that receives a test by having a substitute introduced to a friend and attending classes with a substitute. I paid a lot of money for 2400 dollars (about 260,000 yen), but fraud was found at the university and I gradually dropped out. I heard that this student is looking for another school, but I do not know if there is a school to accept.

ByChristopher Wolfe

Sweet words such as "guarantee the highest evaluation in all tests" and "repayment correspondence when not satisfied with the service" are lined up on the website of the agent who carries out paper substitution and replacement examination, the trader acquires the student's mail address We are approaching students with such a hands as we operate.

There are some companies that do until the entrance of the university, some of the agencies until the participation of the paper substitute and substitute examination, even participation of the class at the substitute exist. According to Reuters' survey, it has been found that some suppliers support university entrance in the United States by forging the necessary transcripts for enrollment or writing an application that misrepresented their academic background. It is relatively easy for students to go to college in the US compared with China's intense examinations warfare, or that the possibility of getting into a high class career when graduating from an American university is higher than that of universities in China, It seems to be in the background.

Although it seems that students who enroll under school education spoofing can not be excluded at the stage of entrance examination, the total number of international students of all universities in the United States is about 770,000, about one third of whom are Chinese students. At the University of California at Davis there were applications from 15,560 students abroad in 2015 alone. At Iowa University there are about 5000 entrance applications in 2015, and there are thousands of documents submitted for admission examination, it is quite difficult to investigate whether all of them were counterfeited is.

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