'Independent Minister of Transportation notes' Automatic driving car without driver is not allowed to run in India' "

ByChris Bird

The Indian Road Traffic and Highway Minister of India said that it is "not to run in India" about automatic driving cars which development companies such as Google and Uber and major automobile manufacturers such as Mercedes Benz and Ford are pushing for development I am making remarks.

Will not allow driverless cars that take away jobs: Nitin Gadkari | india-news | Hindustan Times

Nitin Gadkari: Government will not allow driverless cars on Indian roads

Mr. Nitin · Gackhari, India's Minister for Road Traffic and Highway, who expressed this intention. In a press conference held on July 24, 2017, "We do not recognize drivers unnecessary in India, I will clarify this point very clearly in the country where unemployment exists, people There is no need for a technology to deprive Job's work, "he said.

Currently, India has a shortage of 2.2 million commercial drivers, and the Indian government plans to create 100 training centers in the country to train. Mr. Gackhari said, "500,000 people will get the job of the driver in the next 5 years," he says that he plans to train drivers as a way to solve unemployment countermeasures.


Although it is an automatic driving car which development is advanced in major advanced countries, in addition to the problem of reliability of the technology it is a concern that India can lose employment like India. It is counted as one of "the world's four largest accounting offices"PricewaterhouseCoopersAbdul Majido, who leads the automotive division, said, "Although the deterioration in the unemployment rate is a major problem, it is not just about doing regulations for new technology, even when a computer comes into the world Such discussions have arisen, the important thing is to have an appropriate balance, technology must coexist with society. "


in Note,   Vehicle, Posted by darkhorse_log