'Dense 3D' is a game in which the Governor of Tokyo flies around in the sky like Superman and makes the group 'dense!' To secure a social distance.

As a measure against the new coronavirus, the government urges the people to avoid the '

three-dense ' commonly known as 'closed', 'crowded', and 'closed'. On April 10, 2020, Governor Yuriko Koike repeatedly called ' Dense! Dense! ' This word 'dense is!' Has become a hot topic, such as being converted into a manga or a game . The Governor of Tokyo is about to fly around like Superman and dispel the group by eating 'dense!' There is even a game called ' Dense 3D '. We learned the importance of maintaining social distance with free-to-play browser games.

Dense 3D-Disband Dense Group | Free Game Posting site unityroom

You can see what kind of game 'Dense 3D' is by watching the following movie.

[Dense 3D] 3D action game that seeks and dissolves dense groups-YouTube

The title screen looks something like this. A figure that looks like Governor Koike trying to run bravely is depicted.

Press the space bar to start the game.

The time limit is shown in the upper left of the screen, and the number of remaining groups is shown in the upper right. The stage looks like a big American city, not Japan.

You can move the viewpoint by moving the mouse. Looking around, I found a party group dancing in a circle without securing a social distance ahead.

Move with the WASD key and rush up and down ...

Left-click near the group. Then the Governor of Tokyo held his right hand ...

I chanted 'It's dense!' And released a shock wave.

The goal of this shock wave is to forcibly secure the social distance of all groups by the time limit.

If you can't find a group around you, press F ...


Can fly like Superman.

When flying, you can also find groups of places that you cannot see from the ground. This time there was a party group on top of the building.

Approach while accelerating with the Shift key.

You should not shoot 'Dense!' While flying, and land on the ground before shooting.

Complete the level by disbanding all the groups with 'Dense!' Click 'To the next level' in the center to start the next level.

The stages and time limits to play at each level do not change, but the number of groups that must maintain social distance will differ. The appearance points of the group are fixed to some extent, so as you play repeatedly, you will be able to play efficiently, but it will be quite difficult to clear at higher levels. Not only memorization ability and operation accuracy, but also the 'time luck' of whether or not the group springs up to a point that is easy to discover is tested.

In addition, Governor Koike knows that the game was born from his statement 'It's dense!' In a boxed interview held on April 22, 2020, 'I am 'dense' and the game had made 'when saying the remarks have been.

'Dense 3D' developer Mose is a human interface researcher at Cornell University in the United States. Mr. Masose commented on this game, 'We are making it completely free of charge without advertisements. If you like, please continue to contribute to the continued development etc.!'

in Review,   Video,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log