'.Org' domain sale issue postponed decision by two weeks after severe criticism from state Attorney General

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There is a strict point from the Attorney General of the United States, Exevia Besera, of the case that the '.org' domain will

be sold to the investment company together with the management group, and the decision to approve the sale will be made until May 4, 2020 (Monday) It will be carried over. This is the fourth postponement of the decision.

(PDF file) https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/becerra-to-botterman-marby-15apr20-en.pdf

Public Interest Registry Change of Control Request Update-ICANN

ICANN delays .org sell off after California's attorney general intervenes at last minute, tears non-profit a new one over sale • The Register

ICANN delays .org sale again after scathing letter from California AG | Ars Technica

The fact that Public Interest Registry (PIR), the governing body of the '.org' domain, was sold to investment company Ethos Capital was revealed in November 2019. In response, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and others solicited opposition signatures to protect the domain.

Start of activities to oppose the sale of the management organization of the `` .org '' domain to the investment company-GIGAZINE

In response to a series of opposition voices, PIR's top organizations Internet Society (ISOC) and Ethos Capital are selling at $ 1,135 million (about 125 billion yen) to protect the transparency of the contract. I announced that there is an unreasonably cheap price, but to pour oil on the fire ...

It turned out that the selling price of the `` .org '' domain was over 120 billion yen, experts pointed out that the selling price is too low-GIGAZINE

And in December 2019, about a month after the `` sale '', ICANN, a domain database management organization, demanded that the transaction contents be revealed in order to dispel the suspicion and restore the trust of the community, holding the sale transaction for 30 days Announced to be.

ICANN waits for sale of'.org 'domain-GIGAZINE

In January 2020, a 35-item questionnaire was sent to ICANN in the name of the Attorney General of the State of California, Exevia Besera, and the deadline for the sale transaction was postponed until April 20, 2020.

The judiciary finally moves due to the problem of selling the '.org' domain-GIGAZINE

Just before the new deadline, Attorney General Besera sent another letter to ICANN.

In the letter, Attorney General Becera questioned whether ICANN was following the articles of incorporation, which promised 'to operate in the interests of the Internet community as a whole,' and said, 'We are unable to meet the needs of stakeholders. I suppose. '

One of Becera's concerns is the uncertainties of the investment company, Ethos Capital, which is the seller. Regarding Ethos Capital, the company was established in May 2019 in the first place, the only business we are doing is this PIR acquisition, and the involvement of former ICANN CEO Fadi Chehadé and others can be seen. Suspicious points have been pointed out since the beginning of the turmoil.

Why was the '.org' domain governing body sold to an investment company just a few months after its establishment? -GIGAZINE

Despite this situation, Besera says that Ethos Capital is refusing to answer the questions it has received.

In addition, if the sale plan goes according to Ethos Capital's scenario, the leveraged buyout will put PIR in debt of $ 300 million. Becera warned that this could lead to PIR's shrinking business, affecting the stability of the .org registry.

It should be noted that Mr. Besera was not the only one accusing the transaction, and The Register received a letter from Michael Roberts, the first CEO of ICANN, and Esther Dyson, the first chairman of the board. I will.

ICANN's founding CEO and chair accuse biz of abandoning principles in push for billion-dollar .org sale • The Register

In a letter, Roberts and Dyson call for a six-year postponement of the transaction.

Given these points, the ICANN Board of Directors has decided to postpone the planned approval of the sale plan until Monday, May 4, 2020.

'The California Attorney General's Office will take the necessary steps to protect Californians and nonprofit communities,' and what will the ICANN Board make, as the deal is tough? Will any comments be obtained from Ethos Capital by then? The situation has become an eye-opener until the landing.

in Note, Posted by logc_nt