A movie that makes a typewriter made in 1930 be a Linux terminal screen and drives ASCII art
Using a 1930 Teletype as a Linux Terminal-YouTube
Mr. Curious Marc uses the typewriter of the model number 'TG-7-B' as the terminal screen
It appeared in 1930 and was used for communication in the military until the 1960s.
Characters entered with 'TG-7-B' are encoded into a 5-bit
The encoded characters are decoded by the electromagnet and printed on paper.
CuriousMarc first decided to create a mechanism to send characters from a computer to a typewriter. Consider how to mount transistors and resistors from the typewriter materials.
Electronic components mounted on a
Connect the serial data generator 'HP 8018A' to the REC side and check the operation.
When you send a signal to a typewriter ...
The characters have been printed.
Curious Marc uses
Put the breadboard and programmed Arduino in the case, and attach the switches ...
A box that can use a typewriter as a terminal is completed.
Also, since the typewriter supports only uppercase letters, Mr. Curious Marc says that he is able to detect terminals with only uppercase letters using
Using agetty to connect a typewriter as a terminal to the Arduino serial port '/ dev / ttyS0' ...
The login screen is displayed on the typewriter.
When I tried to login immediately, I received an error and could not login.
'Do you need sudo!', Says Curious Marc. Apparently it was necessary to have administrator privileges to execute agetty. If you add sudo to the beginning of the command and execute agetty ...
Successful login.
Display directory ...
Curious Marc enjoys displaying and displaying ASCII art.
With a typewriter, you can display all ASCII art that would not fit on a normal screen.
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