Netflix incident management tool 'Dispatch' that can unify system failure reports with free & open source
Failure response is one of the most responsible tasks for infrastructure engineers who maintain and operate the system.
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Dispatch's workflow is like this. It is a tool that can save and analyze fault data and speed up the resolution of faults while maintaining cooperation with tools that are already widely used.
The requirements for installation are as follows.
・ '
-' Docker Compose ' version 1.19.0 or later
・ 2400MB or more physical memory
・ CPU with 2 or more cores
Dispatch is created with the assumption that there are two divisions: a person who actually responds to disabilities and a person who supervises disability, and has different UIs and permissions. If something goes wrong with the system, anyone can submit a report about the problem by accessing the specified URL.
When a problem is reported, the 'actual person who actually responds to the problem' is automatically selected based on the rules set in advance, and the corresponding person is notified by e-mail or Slack.
When a disability is reported, a list of persons who can handle the disability can be checked from the 'person in charge of disability response'.
The “person in charge of disability response” updates the disability status as needed.
It is also possible to assign tasks to persons who respond to disabilities.
After the failure is over, you can view the failure history in a list.
Disability information can also be visualized by disability type and urgency, making it easier to review later.
It can also work with other services such as Slack, Jira, G Suite, PageDuty.
Dispatch is released as free open source software on GitHub and is available to anyone.
GitHub-Netflix / dispatch: All of the ad-hoc things you're doing to manage incidents today, done for you, and much more!
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in Software, Posted by darkhorse_log