Burger King appeals to 'moldy wapper'

Burger King announces a commercial that says 'The Wapper will be moldy.'

Burger King | The Moldy Whopper-YouTube

Burger King thinks moldy Whoppers will get you to buy more burgers-CNN

The commercial movie in question started from where the pedestal was loaded with the material of the wrapper, such as buns, patties, pickles, onions, tomatoes, and lettuce.

After all the ingredients are stacked, adjust the appearance with tweezers and scissors ...

A delicious wapper is completed.

The commercial this time is to leave this wapper alone. In the movie that has been released, you can see the state of the abandoned wapper by fast-forwarding. At the beginning of the experiment, the wapper looked delicious ...

The lettuce wilted in a moment, and the patty became fancy.

About 17 seconds in the movie, white mold grew from Patty.

It is full of white mold in no time. In addition, BGM also played the Hall of Fame at the Grammy Awards Dinah Washington's ``

What a Difference A Day Makes ''

When you expand the ingredients, it looks like this.

In addition to white mold, blue mold has also begun to breed. Buns are dry and dry. Patty is covered with mold and is in a state where it can no longer be determined whether it is meat.

This is the state on the 34th day at the end of the experiment. It looks more like something moldy than a wapper.

At the end of the movie, the words 'beauty without using artificial preservatives' appeared. The purpose of this commercial to produce mold on the wapper is to make sure that no preservatives are used in the Burger King.

According to a survey published by marketing company YouGov in September 2019, Americans have recently become more interested in `` food safety '' such as food additives and growth hormones , with 51% of millennials , 57% of the millennial parents are buying more organic products than they were five years ago. Marketing company Nielsen also reported in 2018 the consumer trend of 'paying higher prices for natural and green products'.

Most Burger Kings in Europe say they are eliminating food additives to switch to healthy, organic ingredients. 'We believe 'real food is delicious.' We are working hard to remove additives and additives. '

According to CNN, McDonald's began using chickens without antibiotics in 2016, and since 2018, some burgers have not used preservatives. Wendy's, on the other hand, did not respond to CNN inquiries.

in Video,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log