Bill to allow smartphone electronic voting by people with disabilities to protect `` individual voting rights '' passed

A bill has been passed in the US Virginia House of Representatives that allows voters with certain disabilities to vote electronically. The bill has now passed the Senate and the House of Representatives and is pending approval by the Governor.
Bill To Allow Electronic Voting For West Virginians With Disabilities Passes Legislature | West Virginia Public Broadcasting
West Virginia is expanding its controversial smartphone voting push | Ars Technica
West Virginia introduced a smartphone app for electronic voting in 2018 for military personnel working outside the United States .

The bill states that the same scheme for people with disabilities will be allowed for people with disabilities. Tusk Philanthropies, an organization that promotes voting using mobile devices, will bear the cost of installing the equipment required for electronic voting, so there is no cost burden in West Virginia and counties even if the bill passes. thing.
In the past, West Virginia has been reasonably available to people with certain disabilities who need help completing absentee ballots, according to Secretary of State Attorney General Donald Carsey. He did not prepare any other voting means. This may have violated the 'American with Disabilities Act' and may have violated the constitution's 'individual voting rights'. As a result, the bill was submitted at the request of the Secretary of State.
Already in the Maryland election in 2016 and the Ohio election in 2017, a federal judge has determined that a voting system using ballot paper is discrimination against the disabled. If West Virginia doesn't pass the bill, Washington DC companies and disability support groups in the state will file a lawsuit against the state.
Before legislation was passed in the House of Representatives, some lawmakers have expressed concerns about the security of elections as electronic voting expands. `` It's always happening, '' he said, and said the expansion of electronic voting was 'a calculated risk.' Is contrary to that. '
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