Different susceptibility to norovirus infection by blood type



Norovirus, which rages especially in the dry winter, is known to cause viral gastroenteritis. Its infectiousness is high and immunity to the virus is quickly lost, so the only preventive measure is 'thorough hygiene'. Patricia Foster, a biologist at Indiana University, explains that there may be resistance to such norovirus infection depending on blood type .

Your blood type may influence your vulnerability to norovirus, the winter vomiting virus

When infected, the symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, and fever appear for 1 to 2 days after an incubation period of 12 to 72 hours. Although it is not fatal because it recovers in a short period of time, it can become severe when infected with children and the elderly, and it is said that approximately 50,000 people die from norovirus every year in developing countries.

Below is the 3D model of Norovirus. Norovirus does not have a shell made of lipids and glycoproteins called ' envelopes ', and has a structure that wraps RNA only with a protein shell called ' capsid '. Viruses without an envelope, such as norovirus, are resistant to alcohol and detergents, so even if you use an alcohol-based disinfectant that you spray on your hands, you can't completely stop the infection. According to a 2008 study , norovirus can cause infection in as few as 10 virions .

by CDC

Because norovirus is difficult to culture and research is not so advanced, it is still unknown how it causes abdominal pain and diarrhea. However, norovirus is known to infect cells of the lining of the small intestine, and Foster says that it may affect whether or not the infected person's blood type is affected by the norovirus.

If a

sugar chain called the H1 antigen is on the cell surface of the intestinal lining, many norovirus strains will attach easily. According to Foster, 20% of the European population is resistant to norovirus because H1 glycans are not expressed in cells of the small intestinal lining.

The so-called ABO blood group is classified based on the structure of sugar chains (surface antigens) on the surface of red blood cells. Since the type of antigen expressed on the cell surface is determined by heredity, there is a great relationship between the cell surface antigen on the intestinal lining and the red blood cell surface antigen. According to Foster, 'people with blood type B' generally tend to show resistance to mainstream norovirus strains. However, there are 29 types of norovirus that infect humans, and depending on the strain of norovirus, there is a possibility of infectious disease even with type B.

by InvictaHOG

Still, Foster said this was very important: 'For example, if a Norovirus outbreak occurs in a ship, about one-third of passengers may escape Norovirus infection. Did not know the tolerance of the antigen, so he said, 'I did not get sick because I drank a lot of grape juice.' curse ( Genuine ) It's easy to think awry. '

in Science, Posted by log1i_yk