Mellow & moist cheesecake and rich vanilla softness have been eating mini-stop 'Basque-style cheesecake softness' that asserts the taste of each other

The Mini Basstop has a “ Basket-style cheesecake soft ” that is topped with a rich and rich vanilla soft-cream and crispy roasted sugar on a basque-style cheesecake that is baked in the oven while keeping the contents moist.

I actually ate how Ministop finished the Basque cheesecake that Lawson also offers .

Basque cheesecake soft | Ministop soft serve | Ministop

Basque cheesecake soft | Products | Ministop

Arrived at Ministop.

At the store, Basque-style cheesecake software was appealing with a poster.

That's why I ordered `` Basque style cheesecake soft '' (338 yen excluding tax)

Roasted sugar is put on top of the popular

soft serve vanilla which is immovable with ministop.

Basque cheesecake is hidden because the soft serve vanilla is stuck.

If you compare the size with a transportation IC card, it looks like this.

First of all, when I try to eat from the soft serve vanilla portion, the flavor of vanilla is quite rich despite the feeling of milk. Crisp roasted sugar also adds an accent to sweetness and texture.

When I ate soft serve vanilla, I saw a basque cheesecake. The surface is baked in the oven like this.

When you try it, the scent and richness of the rich cream cheese spread in your mouth. The texture is moist and smooth to the touch, and it feels as heavy as the condensed cream cheese. The baked-grained part seemed to be slightly harder and less sweet, but I didn't feel any particular fragrance.

When I ate the soft serve vanilla and the basque cheesecake together, it seemed that the two rich flavors changed over time, such as soft serve vanilla in the first half and basque cheesecake in the second half.

'Basque-style cheesecake software' has been offered at Ministop nationwide since January 24, 2020, and the calorie per piece is 308 kcal.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by darkhorse_log