Headline news on December 26, 2019

While the TV animation was broadcast in the spring of 2018, the game `` Uma Musume Pretty Derby '' that has passed more than one year from the start of pre-registration without starting the service may be under development for the 2020 release schedule It was announced on the official website.
Game Development Status and 'Umayon' Animation Production Notice | Uma Musume Pretty Derby Official Portal Site | Cygames
At the same time, it has become clear that the anime version of the 4-frame manga 'Umayon', which is being developed as one of the media mixes, is scheduled to be released in 2020.
In addition, since 'Uma Musume' has started accepting pre-registration on March 25, 2018, it will celebrate '2nd anniversary of pre-registration' on March 25, 2020.
By the way, this article was published on the same day in the past in the past.
There are times when 'intuition' should be believed and times when you should not. What are the three conditions that 'time to believe' satisfies? -GIGAZINE
An attempt to determine the chick's gender before being born and to eliminate chicks killed because they are 'male' succeeds-gigazine
Parents who give their children a technical glitter name such as `` Google '' `` Vista '' `` Like '' appeared-gigazine
Over 26 years, a prototype of the phantom overseas NES version `` Sim City '' was discovered and revived by volunteers-gigazine
Spaniards used the sun to spread Christianity to Native American-gigazine
A college student succeeded in decoding the knotted string `` Keep '' used for recording in the Inca Empire that did not have characters-gigazine
The strategy adopted by AI `` Libratus '' that defeated humans in poker of incomplete information game will be published in papers-gigazine
A fan movie summarizing how Star Wars' `` Death Star '' is made in 2 minutes-gigazine
The mysterious power of the yellow slime `` Moji Dust '' that shares the memory by solving the maze and fusing without the brain and nerves-gigazine
What is the world's first “underground park” that transmits sunlight captured from the ground to illuminate underground plants? -GIGAZINE
Why do modern people feel 'busy'? -GIGAZINE
◆ Materials (memos / others)
I dropped the key, and I was caught when I thought, 'Wow ...' ! ! Thank you for the Spidey Thank you pic.twitter.com/HH9XajMqwp
— Koharu (@ deadpool_w3) December 25, 2019
The imitation of the story of various women appearing on 12/26. pic.twitter.com/wQRawdR8PM
— Kinako-chan (@kimino_kinako) December 25, 2019
Customers Customers Customers! ! I'm in trouble! ! Oh! ! ! Customer! ! I'm in trouble! ! Oh! ! Good! I'm in trouble! ! Oh! ! ! ! I'm in trouble! Customer! ! I'm in trouble! ! Oh! Good! ! Oh! ! Customer! ! Good! ! ! ! pic.twitter.com/oRfZl8IMuo
— Yamato @ 17's swastika (@ h7ymt) December 26, 2019
The era when a useless robot is abandoned on the roadside is really coming. pic.twitter.com/aqnLCQKMGJ
— Oritech Sashida (@oritech) December 26, 2019
Seven-Eleven's sales quota, it has become like a black marketpic.twitter.com/UmOncOXnO8
— Yako (@ yako_FLPR3) December 25, 2019
Pi on cardboard with glassware. Probably to prevent cracking pic.twitter.com/GHsRUu9OwH
— Koji Tsumura (@ tsumura_isas6) December 25, 2019
The cat was like taking a frame pic.twitter.com/pVlGwkUbK1
— Tokumori Zaitsu (@REUS_tohoku) December 24, 2019
— Saku @ Coppin (@ sakusaku3939399) December 24, 2019
Just taking a picture to the trash can, 'It was !!!! It was this !!!!, this !!!!!' When I took a picture on purpose, the couple behind was starting to take a picture with the trash and it was really fun pic.twitter.com/ 7meBbxQq68
— Roku noki (@ 6_noki) December 25, 2019
When I say `` a snake with a thousand necks, '' I think I'd probably draw a different way, but when I turned the page it was quite shocking to jump in and it became a blast pic.twitter.com/ HFLltiCsNl
— Y.kurihara (@ jh7gjg) December 24, 2019
— Lil Mifu (@DariFura) December 25, 2019
The dial of this elevator is cool. pic.twitter.com/M90iMETdxj
— Mega @ Black Exhibition Until 26th (@mmlabx) December 24, 2019
I am coming to the year-end party, but please understand how empty it is with the size of raw ham on the ritz that came out for the first time despite the membership fee of 5,000 yen pic.twitter.com/xXDC34U5VB
— Zeno @ C97 Day 2 Minamihe 16b (@XeNO____) December 25, 2019
It's nice that the neighborhood bus stop has become high-tech, but the news is too early to read w pic.twitter.com/5PqiodCGb6
— Endoizuru (@endo_andre) December 25, 2019
I'll give Lovecraft the size to those who bought the doujinshi at Comiket. You don't have the time or money to cut, so do the work yourself. pic.twitter.com/gkYA6ZPZJP
— Goking / C97 Sunday South Africa 15b Gilman House (@ goking5) December 25, 2019
Stamp card to press if you feel uncomfortable at the company. Pressed after a long time. pic.twitter.com/pyVRKK3AUw
— Tsukasa (@ 16x21tks) December 25, 2019
◆ Science (Science / Academic / Technology)
The solar eclipse has begun.
— KAGAYA (@ KAGAYA_11949) December 26, 2019
It was taken using a special filter for sun photography.
It cannot be viewed directly. I need a solar eclipse glass.
(Now shot in Guam) pic.twitter.com/Whhc4hPie5
'Moonshot business symposium' held by the government and economic organizations
— Tetsu (@metatetsu) December 25, 2019
'By 2050, we have achieved inventions that turn the world over, and then return to a V-shaped economy that overtakes and overtakes the US and China.'
Why do you think it can be invented before the United States with less than half the research budget ... https://t.co/J0g35M2Xv3 pic.twitter.com/g0jTYbpYMP
◆ Society, politics, economy (incidents, world news, business)
Search for LDP / Shirasuka House of Representatives | Kyodo News
Kyoto Ani Site Use Local Neighborhood Association Request Form `` Do Not Maintain At Memorial Monument For Unspecified Many Visits ''-Mainichi Newspaper
Former House of Representatives Akira Katsunuma Searches for Home | Kyodo News
'Let's make the prosecution good. Absolute trial wins.' Representative Akimoto before arrest: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Abe administration arrested by Akimoto's arrest Severe political corruption corruption-Society: Daily Sports
IR Corruption Hits Administration's Growth Strategy Directly Abe and Suga Banners: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Mr. Suga `` Promote IR business steadily '' Akimoto arrested `` I want to refrain from answering ''-Mainichi Newspaper
'Hometown tax payment is wrong' Former director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications charges real name |
IR Corruption Case Searches Pachinko Chain Headquarters Tokyo Inspection Special Investigation Division | NHK News
Reporter's Eye: Official Document Crisis Concealment of Government Houses Is No Longer Democracy = Hiroyuki Oba (Special Press)-Mainichi Shimbun
Economic Indicators Slowing Down: Was the Consumption Tax Increase Right ?: Nikkei Business Digital Edition
30% of companies that have a duty to hire people with disabilities do not hire one person | NHK News
Arrested Mr. Akimoto handed 3 million yen in Chinese company 'Yokan paper bag' The day of the lower house dissolution-FNN.jp prime online
Mr. Akimoto, a member of the House of Representatives who was a former Deputy Minister of the Cabinet Office and was in charge of IR, suspected that he received a bribe such as cash 3 million yen from a Chinese company `` 500 dot com '' side aiming to enter IR. Is held.
Toyota union to propose a method to make a difference in wage increase according to personnel evaluation | NHK News
Rep. Akimoto receives cash at the House of Representatives on dissolution of the lower house or IR corruption case | NHK News
Refuse to submit record of Tsukasa Akimoto Business trip / visit, government 'related to investigation' | Kyodo News
Government refuses to submit Akimoto's business trip record | Kyodo News
Fukuoka family kills four death row inmates | NHK News
Look. Instagram.
— ???? Box Koneman ???? (@HAKOCONNEMAN) December 25, 2019
The Nippon Foundation (Sasakawa Foundation) Ryoichi Sasakawa's younger brother, Haruji Sasakawa's grandson, Yoshitaka Sasakawa, and a Chinese lottery operator arrested for bribery of Hokkaido IR Casino invitation https://t.co/iznuP5QlMP Former Advisor, Konno Masahiko is connected.
Konno works with a number of Liberal Democratic Party members with cabinet experience and is taking photos. pic.twitter.com/Eh3eopsgYT
Putin replies to President Putin with unusual response to economic downturn | NHK News
Gathering Daily Pay Participants at a Global Warming Countermeasure Volunteer Training Seminar | NHK News
At the National Archives of Japan, a list of invitees for the “2006 Cherry Blossom Viewing Party” is kept and has been applied for browsing, but it will take a long time for the examination. Normally I would like to see it before the opening of the Diet.
— Toru Miyamoto (@miyamototooru) December 25, 2019
School childcare users and standby children both record the highest ever | NHK News
Arrested Shiga / Yonehara City Welfare Division staff suspected of cutting down on consulting man | Kyodo News
Shinkansen fighting Nagasaki vs Saga! | Feature Articles | NHK Political Magazine
The cause is 'Shinkansen'.
It has been almost half a century since the maintenance plan was decided.
We cover literally 'dark fight' of Nagasaki and Saga prefectures over the Kyushu Shinkansen and Nagasaki routes.
◆ Lifestyle (Life / Life / Health)
I tried to make the specialty of this tuna from Nagasaki with salt grilled. https://t.co/hx1TCUioVW
— KEISUI ART STUDIO (@keisuiart) December 25, 2019
Seven-Eleven new system
— Yohei Takayama (@ takayamayohei1), President of Okuribant Co., Ltd. and Kaikaido, Inc. December 25, 2019
① Touch the brand you want on the touch panel in front of the cash register when buying tobacco.
(2) The shelf lights up and the clerk takes out the cigarette.
③ Pay the money. pic.twitter.com/vXSW68qxQA
The news that 'the physical strength of this elementary school student is low (especially 5 boys)', the government office is asking the cause for 'smartphone' and 'game', but in the first place the voice of the child in the park is treated as 'noise' You don't want to play outside in an intolerant society. There are many parks where ball games are also prohibited. pic.twitter.com/WaPg5HUczl
— ITOKEN (@itokenichiro) December 25, 2019
Penguin is reselling a cover that feels like a true slip!
— YOU + MORE! (@Youmore_tw) December 25, 2019
'Penguin Sur Sul-' first appeared four years ago and gained popularity. When you put it on the flooring wiper, the penguin feels slippery during cleaning and softens.
For more information here https://t.co/EqBMsDGS5O pic.twitter.com/FII9ESoDcI
A very familiar design is created by complete lawlessness, shock # Secret exhibition pic.twitter.com/f1uXgLM5qR
— Machinery Tomoko @ Day 3 Minami D 13a (@ barzam154__) December 25, 2019
I'm wondering if I should bite a carrot. . . pic.twitter.com/AK0xobYgi1
— Porn Suzuki (@PORNO_SUZUKI) December 24, 2019
What can be said in common for all those who get lost at Shinjuku Station is 'Why do you want to move only indoors?'-Togetter
To the person in charge, I will do it, but see the salesman who takes a arrogant attitude to the guard and think that `` society is full of traps ''-Togetter
WEB special feature “life on the car”
'The publishing world is full of Eichmanns' The leading person in the industry coverage gets angry: Asahi Shimbun Digital
News Up Dreams for Japan shattered and run away ... and now | NHK News
The exhibition where you can see the process of familiar design, from notes to sketches, original drawings to form, is amazing 'How is design born this way?'-Togetter
◆ IT / gadget (net / soft / hard / mobile)
The story that the English sentence that the student translated into Google was in proper English. It seems that the accuracy of Google translation is improving rapidly recently-Togetter
Story of dropping production environment with SELECT statement-Qiita
The history named 'Chiyu' (provisional version)-Chiyu 12 years old
If you do your best with stock AI, there is an atmosphere that seems to be profitable-Qiita
I seriously thought about font-family-Qiita
Sad development that tends to be Comiket etc. 'If you greet a person who thought that you are on Twitter, you will be replied as' Oh, huh, how ... '-Togetter
Making things on the platform | TORI
Google's genuine “recorder” automatically converts recorded voice to text | juggly.cn
Serious about random numbers
Speed limitation for smartphone `` unlimited video watching '' Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications draft guideline: Nihon Keizai Shimbun
New Relic 2020 Technology Forecast-New Relic Official Blog
Summary of study plus SRE team's efforts in 2019-studyplus engineering blog
A trial on the internet '15 minutes a day' during business ... a trade-off relationship between relaxation and work style reform-Lawyer.com
Review of the Gunosy R & D team in 2019 and the future-Gunosy data analysis blog
◆ Anime / Game / Manga (Subculture)
The new program 'Healing dd @ PreCure' will start on Sunday, February 2 at 8:30 am on ABC TV and TV Asahi!
Animation decision!
— Teru Miyoshi (@ 344_hikaru) December 26, 2019
It took nearly a year and a half to make the settings and characters with the person in charge, make the names of the first and second episodes, and pass the Jump SQ.
After that, Mr. Takeuchi entered as a composition and started serializing immediately.
I have been very impressed by the support of many readers so far. # Mori of patriotism artistic pic.twitter.com/MNwvUf8pv4
[ #Bestars 2nd season production decision! ! ! ] In response to the cheers of everyone, the 2nd production has been decided! We will announce the broadcast time and the cast of newly appearing characters at any time in the future. Thank you for your original work, stage, and animation #BEASTARS ! ! https://t.co/GdIHQ6UGkX #bstanime pic.twitter.com/35QxeGUJ3y
— TV anime 'BEASTARS' (@bst_anime) December 25, 2019
— BAdome BEASTARS 1/8 (@ itaparu99) December 25, 2019
Thanks for making! ! Thanks for watching! ! Look forward to the second term. #bstanime pic.twitter.com/9yyM1Hr5ZW
I really like the touch of Healing Pretty Cure characters.
— Ryuki (Ruki) @ Jun's Figuarts Reservation for next year (@RUKItheWorld) December 25, 2019
Is the voice of the hero Yuki?
… Yuki-san… Pink… Magical Girl… Uh… Hey the pic.twitter.com/Xs0EO6a0bN
I like this sense of distance on Twitterpic.twitter.com/5yhdpnvtki
— Pon × 2 (@ ponpon_2501) December 26, 2019
Program official Twitter start Super Sentai series 44th work is the birth of the shining hero ever
— Majin Sentai Kira Major (@KIRAMAGER_toei) December 25, 2019
that name as well,
'Majin Sentai Kira Major'
March 8, 2020 (Sunday) 9:30 am Kiramei GO on the TV Asahi series! ! pic.twitter.com/b0ZlvkFJdk
Check the anime of the new year, absolutely to see the Haikyuu! But I'm worried about this ww
— Uri @ January All Kay / January & March Heirloom (@musubimaruko) December 24, 2019
Sengoku warlord reincarnated as a dog.
The voice actor is so gorgeous ... huh?
Super large rookie voice actor ... what?
Well, well, wwwwww pic.twitter.com/MSxT3wwHnH
[Gochiusa] Rabbit house that cannot respond to modern society #gochiusa pic.twitter.com/efHxEvbns6
— What! @ C97 Saturday West A-31a (@nanashiwan) December 25, 2019
I laughed here pic.twitter.com/jLuXC2MSJ3
— Absolutely forbidden by Bannam (@ kiku96joker) December 25, 2019
Can you turn your anti-comment into money? Story.
— Sakiya Amano, this volume is on sale (@amanosakuya) December 25, 2019
Named famous tax refund. pic.twitter.com/urjnKzgvdA
Beat shopping with girls 1/2 pic.twitter.com/2UcOIDj06t
— None (@to_infinity_wow) December 26, 2019
A splendid cooperative play on the train that the teacher experienced pic.twitter.com/2u68yYcaZp
— Human Mao @ Book now on sale! (@ageomao) December 25, 2019
Christmas #FGO #FateGO pic.twitter.com/8orMa4ptUr
— Hews (@hews__) December 25, 2019
[Next time is January 8]
— NHK Nehorin Pohorin (@nhk_nehorin) December 25, 2019
The first theme of the new year is “Ba Meat”!
Do you know what abbreviation is? #Nehorin ぱ Horin pic.twitter.com/IvrNQE8eUn
Her straight story ③ pic.twitter.com/W4ZsOgkez2
— Koyo Kiyomiya Funeral Master's Book Volume January 23 Release (@Kosuke_mgknm) December 26, 2019
I look at this and kill my marriage desire pic.twitter.com/w5s53My6kQ
— Musou Ryu Volvarsk (@musou_ryunen) December 25, 2019
Nalmere sister. . pic.twitter.com/SEnXIbHkiE
— Umibouzu / Sunday South 47b (@bouzumi_) December 25, 2019
Peko which is prosperous. (Re) pic.twitter.com/5qUCQmOAEJ
— Kakamisuru (@ p8HMIUHYW1KUF6c) December 25, 2019
I'm sorry for Pokemon that I didn't come up with, so it's a miscellaneous manga that I just drew, so I'm sorry to say 'So?' (* Other game stories available) pic.twitter.com/m5YkaDWP2P
— Cleaning (@ m0nuke) December 23, 2019
[Creative manga] Certain sister's Christmas pic.twitter.com/1TZSG6EoMM
— Sachiko (@sachiko_go) December 25, 2019
Animal Federation 'Santa' pic.twitter.com/cTJUNXtGKh
— Abeman (@ 841_MUSCLE) December 25, 2019
Gaming she wants pic.twitter.com/j4rvkVri91
— Mi (@ mi_398) December 25, 2019
Snow troubled # FGO pic.twitter.com/gJMG1p7iGh
— Tonee C97 Sunday Nishimi-09a (@toneeartwork) December 25, 2019
It is hard to be glared at the GW dawn corridor pic.twitter.com/572DiNEgKU
— Enji_C97 Monday West Area 'D' 79a (@enji_works) December 25, 2019
Riamu and Yokubaris② pic.twitter.com/zWHuNRLIdG
— Kamere @ Day 3 A-20b (@ chamere0n) December 25, 2019
A game where the weapon you have from the beginning keeps getting stronger until the end pic.twitter.com/GJLH8F57fx
— Sabasu (@black_sabasu) December 25, 2019
[Notice of end of Livly Island operation service]
— Lively Research Institute (@LivlyIslandCOR) December 26, 2019
Livly Island for PC and smartphone
The operation service has ended at 12:00 on Thursday, December 26, 2019.
For 16 years patronage support, all the staff,
I sincerely thank you. https://t.co/jhOFi2kBZG #livly #Thank you Livry pic.twitter.com/UNWhyrMXqO
I witnessed the word Hatsune Miku NT, but this is the reality I drew a few years ago! ? pic.twitter.com/3lTZyDsrYF
— Saitom (@_saitom_) December 25, 2019
Report on the infringement of the rights of `` Action vs. Manin '' and prevention of recurrence https://t.co/XqceD1fkuM pic.twitter.com/PGrYdC3CiQ
— [Official] Action vs. Manin (@ActionTaimanin) December 26, 2019
It's just Christmas, so it's a complete Christmas (Santa) drawn before (1/2) pic.twitter.com/A6DzijS8Ut
— Ono Kosuke @ Gokushuo Road on sale December 9 (@kousuke_oono) December 25, 2019
When she confessed in the pond she talked about three people pic.twitter.com/iZdRHExj0J
— Keiji Neda @ sister from another world. (@dorori_k) December 25, 2019
Merry Christmas! pic.twitter.com/ISqmYX7v2t
— Nine (@kyulog) December 25, 2019
Bad Olga Ittsuka at the birth pic.twitter.com/i770PQqFjF
— Akinaro (@ akino0105) December 25, 2019
Did you get the most buzz this year? Tweets are not related to minerals,
— Zenichi Taki @ Mineral Art Gallery (@ taki2122) December 24, 2019
It was a handy skill that I learned as a child, useful in the illustrator age. pic.twitter.com/DsJLJwpGV6
Super Template Pond Tsundere Girls VS Tsundere Special Character Hero Christmas pic.twitter.com/ukTitw5Bfk
— Tackle @ Day 2 Nishire 45b (@ bb35893589) December 25, 2019
Your twisted and refracted mental structure stepped on my willingness to accept my art, but as expected-probably a classmate who could be made just below the middle of not being too beautiful and not too beautiful-visited your room Everything is a fictional image created by your brain- Karisame pic.twitter.com/48rvPqbYB9
— Eiji Rikui (@ o7214545621) December 26, 2019
Cirno pic.twitter.com/Oytt3jI7AI
— Hitomiru (@Hitoimim) December 26, 2019
My husband is good! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! pic.twitter.com/SmJJxQTKJQ
— Minato Akua MinatoAqua (@minatoaqua) December 25, 2019
Sea otters x polka x suntory pic.twitter.com/XM41gpZ0hS
— Takadabear (@takadabear) December 25, 2019
Mr. Morishima pic.twitter.com/C0g2ZlNDMn
— Qow (@ qow_213) December 25, 2019
Christmas pic.twitter.com/mVuTg9gQgc
— Tenrizu @ Job change activity (@pentad_prism) December 25, 2019
Story of a doujin writer and a young head who can no longer draw secondary creations 1 pic.twitter.com/0fv3jBN1Oa
— Benigashira @ Winter Komi 3rd Nishi 4 'I' -01b (@poppoyakiya) December 25, 2019
It seems that the calligraphy had come out of nowhere.
— Tatsuya Endo (official) (@_tatsuyaendo_) December 26, 2019
'SPY × FAMILY' volume 3 will be released on January 4th.
By all means to accompany the New Year holiday without doing anything.
(Endo) #Spy family
(I wanted to use it) pic.twitter.com/yU11QMWfPc
# Puromea Meri pic.twitter.com/1FXUMdaRuX
— Sea baba (@ haibaba2) December 25, 2019
Mercury second generation Altera pic.twitter.com/SV1n2jIP0g
— Me Tarou @ Sunday Nishimu-24b (@ 311tarou) December 25, 2019
Christmas tree ... not Sotis-chan pic.twitter.com/ZxfV8n4CO9
— Gonzales G. Bridge, Fudo (@ gonzarez1938) December 25, 2019
`` Gaki who gathers things necessary for life in a radius of 1.5 m '' pic.twitter.com/3tkhZr50Ge
— A Gaki living with care (@gaki_teinei) December 26, 2019
'Re: Life in a Different World Starting from Zero' Phase 1 New Editable Character PV
Godfall public trailer
Announced the prize-winning work of 'PlayStation®.Blog Game of the Year 2019' that was recently held on the US version of PS.Blog! | PlayStation.Blog
News | Anime 'Made in Abyss' Official Site
Released on January 17, 2020 (Friday) Regarding the movie version 'Made in Abyss Dawn of the Deep Soul', the movie appraisal category (rating) set by the Movie Ethics Organization was announced as [PG12] (* 1), As a result of the final examination by the Film Ethics Organization, the appreciation category (rating) of this work was determined to be [R15 +] (* 2).
I received a gift of [R15 +] from the movie ethics organization.
— Anime “Made in Abyss” Official (@miabyss_anime) December 25, 2019
It seems that the load has been much higher than I thought. #miabyss
◆ Sports / Entertainment / Music / Movie (Entertainment)
'HELLO, OUR STADIUM' The strange national English of the new national stadium. | Rochelle Cup | Column | Newsweek Japan Official Site
Impression that the man who is not Janiota saw Arashi's live for the first time-ARASHI Anniversary Tour 5 × 20 Live report, impressions, set list--Otonic-Music information.com-
◆ New products (clothing, food, house)
Release of 4 limited-time special share sweets that can be enjoyed during the year-end and New Year holidays-7-Eleven nationwide for a limited time from Friday, December 27th-| Seven-Eleven-Close and convenient-
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in Headline, Posted by logc_nt