It is proved that people will be hurt if the opponent is insulted even by robots

“ Trash Talk ” is an act of provoking opponents and teams in words before a sporting match and trying to shake them psychologically. In addition to being loved by fans as part of entertainment to boost the game in various sports such as boxing and baseball, trash talk is also actively conducted among professional e-sports players, some players are stressed It is also clear that I feel . According to the research team of Carnegie Mellon University who investigated such trash talk, even if the other party was a robot, it became clear that insulting remarks 'people are hurt enough'.
Trash Talk Hurts, Even When It Comes From a Robot
Even a Robot Can Hurt Your Feelings if It Hurls The Right Insult, New Study Shows
A research team at the Department of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University conducted experiments in which subjects played games and encouraged and insulted players using the robot Pepper . The rant that Pepper-kun gave to the players during the experiment was relatively light such as 'I must say that you are a terrible player' and 'Your play seems to be confused during the game' It seems that it was an insult, but the player's performance after the rant was still worse.

The research was conducted by Aaron M. Ross, who was enrolled in the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, while enrolled in the master's program. Forty people participated in the experiment, and each player played the game “Guards and Treasures” using the Stackelberg competition 35 times with the robot. During that time, the robot continued to mutter many words of rant or praise against the subject.
Then, as the number of times the game was played, those who were praised by the robot increased their scores, but those who were criticized could not increase their scores like the subjects who received the words of praise. According to Ross, `` There were some subjects who said that they did not like the robot's remarks, but this is a programmed thing so we can not blame the robot, '' some subjects were accused of robotic abuse It seems that some people complained to researchers without being patient.
In addition, it seems that some of the subjects included excellent Guards and Treasures players, but even such a person was able to extend the game score as expected due to the rant of the robot, the research team Pointed out.
In addition, the result that rants have an adverse effect on actual game play shows the same result as the research on trash talk performed between humans, but in the case of this research, it is human The difference is that it is a robot.

by Owen Beard
Faye Fan, an associate professor working at the Software Research Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, who was involved in the research, said that the number of robots and IoT devices equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to increase exponentially. It points out that the results of this research may have a significant impact.
Afsaneh Doryab, a scientist at Carnegie Mellon University, said about the impact of this study: “Because robotic language affects human performance, robots are used for remote learning and mental health treatment. By doing so, there is a possibility that higher effects can be obtained, ”he said, pointing out the possibility of accelerating the use of robots in various fields.
The research was not published in peer-reviewed scientific journals at the time of writing the article, but was announced in IEEE Ro-Man 2019 , an international conference on robot-human communication held in New Delhi, India. It has become only. In a future study, Ross said that it could focus on “non-verbal expressions” between humans and robots.
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