A new theory is proposed in the discussion of 'Why do women have orgasms?'


Carina Silva

Unlike men, who need sexual pleasure to ejaculate, women do not necessarily need sexual pleasure to have sex. Therefore, theories have been proposed regarding women's sexual pleasure and orgasm, such as ``a function that evolved to find the most suitable partner'' or ``a relic of evolution that has no practical meaning, like the male nipple.'' I did . Meanwhile, Roy Levin, a biomedical scientist at the University of Sheffield in the UK, proposed the theory that ``female sexual pleasure contributes to reproduction,'' and also explained the reason for the existence of the clitoris. I'm about to reveal it.

The Clitoris—An Appraisal of its Reproductive Function During the Fertile Years: Why Was It, and Still Is, Overlooked in Accounts of Female Sexual Arousal - Levin - - Clinical Anatomy - Wiley Online Library

Controversial Review of The Female Orgasm Suggests a New Role For The Clitoris

The clitoris is known as an organ that allows women to experience sexual pleasure by stimulating it, but the proportion of women who stimulate the clitoris and achieve an orgasm during normal sexual intercourse is low, and scientists have also investigated the existence of women's sexual pleasure and the existence of the clitoris. I haven't given much importance to the meaning.

However, Levin points out that there is a major oversight in the idea that the clitoris is an organ solely for obtaining pleasure. Based on recent research, Levin proposed the theory that ``the clitoris not only helps women obtain sexual pleasure, but also plays a role in reproductive behavior.''


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A study using fMRI to investigate what kind of brain activity occurs when a woman reaches orgasm has shown that major brain systems including arousal, reward, memory, cognition, and social activity become activated when approaching orgasm. It turns out that. This widespread brain activity not only warms the genitals and increases secretions, but also causes changes such as increased blood flow and oxygen.

It is also known that the increase in blood flow and oxygen as orgasm approaches changes the shape of the reproductive organs, and the uterus becomes larger than normal and lifts upward. By lifting the uterus, more sperm can be accommodated in the vagina, and by changing the shape of the cervix, it prevents sperm from moving into the uterus all at once, allowing it to accept sperm in its best condition, Levin said. claims.

'The theory that the clitoris's only function is to provide sexual pleasure is outdated. The new theory changes mainstream sexual beliefs, and the physiological evidence is clear,' Levin said. Ta.



Recent research has shown that when the hormone oxytocin , which is associated with good relationships and sexual pleasure, is released, the fallopian tubes suck in fluid, which changes the pressure inside the vagina and increases the chance of pregnancy. I am. This property has also been suggested in studies examining the reproductive ability of non-human animals such as rats, cows, dogs, horses, and rabbits.

In addition, in cats and rabbits, the clitoris is located inside the vagina, suggesting that female orgasm plays an important role in reproduction. A 2019 study found that female rabbits who did not reach orgasm were 30% less likely to ovulate, suggesting that orgasm may have once triggered ovulation and aided reproduction in human ancestors. .

``What past researchers overlooked when formulating their hypothesis was that clitoral stimulation activates a series of physiological changes through the brain,'' Levin points out. He argued that a woman's orgasm prepares her reproductive organs to accept sperm, making it easier for sperm to survive and increasing the chances of successful reproduction.

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in Science,     , Posted by log1h_ik