The iPad version of Illustrator is finally here, capturing hand-drawn sketches with the camera and creating vector shapes with explosion speed

When the beta program of Illustrator iPad version that can use touch operation and Apple Pencil is started, it was announced at the creator's festival “ Adobe MAX 2019 ” held on November 4, 2019 . Illustrator functions can be used directly on the iPad, and everything you create can be saved in Creative Cloud, and Illustrator files created on a PC can be handled without deterioration, allowing seamless connection between devices. The UI has been fundamentally reviewed so that it can be operated intuitively.
Adobe Illustrator is Coming to the iPad | Adobe Blog
Illustrator for iPad is touch-based Illustrator.

Make logos and graphics in no time. It is especially characterized by high speed and high performance.

You can easily draw a Bezier curve by tapping and dragging.

Of course, it is possible to make precise adjustments for each pixel. You can also check the fonts in real time.

If you capture hand-drawn illustrations with a camera, Adobe's artificial intelligence, Adobe Sensei, automatically turns hand-drawn illustrations into vector images. The Illustrator iPad version has radically changed the method of creating vector images.

Mirror editing is also possible. In the left / right symmetry mode, you can edit only one side to reflect the edited contents throughout.

Repeated operations that have been performed manually one by one can now be performed in an instant by selecting “Radial Repeat”. You can also freely develop the shape so that the kaleidoscope moves.

With the repeat function, you can repeat content and create patterns quickly. This area is similar to Adobe XD's “grid”.

Changes made to a piece of content are reflected in the whole in real time.

The Illustrator iPad version will be released in 2020. For early access, sign up below.
Adobe Illustrator on iPad
・ Added November 7, 2019 at 7:40
Eric Snowden and Wayne Hoan answered the questions about developing the Illustrator iPad version.

Q: Is the Illustrator iPad version cloud based?
A: Basically, you can do what you can do with the desktop version on the iPad. For saving, you will be able to choose between local and cloud options.
Q: Photoshop and Illustrator have a long history. Can you tell us why the development of iPad version of Illustrator was delayed compared to other products?
A: The reason why it is slower compared to other Adobe products ... is a powerful tool that has quite a lot of features, so one thing is that it needed the power of the iPad to render on the iPad. The reason is. It was also possible to draw for the first time when Apple Pencil came out. With these two elements, it is now that we have been able to provide professional-level services.
Q: Is Illustrator iPad version available on any device or iPad?
A: Because it is a beta version now, the final product is not completed. However, we are considering using it on a device with a stylus. We think of it as “an experience that combines pen and touch”.
Q: Where are you drawing with Adobe Fresco?
A: Fresco makes use of existing media such as oil paintings and watercolors. Illustrator mainly creates graphic design logos. Considering the characteristics of each, what you use in Fresco or Illustrator will be different. Illustrator is good at preciseness and precision, and Fresco is supposed to create something more free like drawing.

Q: Are there any target differences from the desktop version?
A: Our goal is to create “tools that can be used by professionals”. Based on that, it is necessary to think while proceeding. This is Illustrator version 1. We are aiming for a product that will satisfy even those who are new users, but who are using the PC version.
A: What are the difficulties / challenges for making for iPad?
Q: Everything on Illustrator is a keyboard shortcut base. The challenge was how to increase productivity even without a keyboard. So, instead of the keyboard in the Illustrator iPad version, the thumb shift that is also used in the Photoshop iPad version is used. There was no mouse, so it was a challenge how to use Apple Pencil. I want Illustrator to feel comfortable and enjoy using it.
・ Continued
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