Students who do not date are less prone to depression and have excellent social skills and leadership

“Dating” is thought to be an opportunity to hone youth social skills and to grow emotionally. However, according to the survey results of ' University of Georgia University in the United States' that the students who did not have a romantic relationship in junior high school and high school days are better in terms of social skills and leadership, and more difficult to become depressed The undergraduate research team reports.
Social Misfit or Normal Development? Student Who Do Not Date-Douglas-2019-Journal of School Health-Wiley Online Library
Teens who don't date are less depressed
According to Brooke Douglas, the first author of the paper, children who have some kind of romantic relationship in junior high and high school occupy the majority. Dating is essential for spiritual growth and well-being, having a romantic relationship is a “scheduled” behavior in psychological development, and not having a romantic relationship has been considered an “exception” It was. There has been little research on children who have never had the opposite sex experience during their teenage years, and Douglas was interested in these children.
In order to advance research on this question, Douglas teamed up with Professor Pamela Olpinus of the College of Health Promotion and Health Behavior at the University of Georgia to ask students from elementary school 6th grade to high school 3rd grade `` whether dating ''. They were self-reported on social and psychological evaluations regarding friendships, family relationships, and human relationships at school, signs of depression, and whether or not they thought about suicide. In addition, we analyzed the results of a longitudinal survey in which the teachers were given points every year for each student's social skills, leadership, and depression.

As a result, students who answered “not dating” and “almost dating” were found to have equal or better interpersonal skills than students who answered “frequently dating”. Furthermore, according to the teacher's judgment, students who do not date are much better in terms of social skills and leadership than students who date.
Moreover, students who did not date on the “Signs of Depression” rate were low, “Depressed”, “Sad”, and “Desperate”, and the teacher's scoring supported the self-reporting.

By bialasiewicz
Professor Olpinas said, “In summary, students who do not date are also growing steadily, they are just different ways of growth from students who date,” Douglas said, “Students who do not date. Although it is contrary to the conventional belief that social incompatibility, the result of this research is that it is possible to advocate the option of “do not date” at schools and other places as a natural idea. “The health-free result means that as a public health expert, each child has the choice of“ whether to date ”or not.”
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