Research results that mathematics is good but if it is not confident it will not lead to income

Many experts warn that `` Maths can't solve mathematics on their heads have a lot of bad effects, '' but from two studies on mathematics performance and confidence in it, `` math skills and confidence If you do n’t have both, you wo n’t be linked to income or health. ”
Despite high objective numeracy, lower numeric confidence relates to worse financial and medical outcomes | PNAS
Good at math? It means little if you're not confident
People that are good at these two things earn $ 94,000 more a year
Two experiments on self-efficacy on mathematics ability found that not only mathematics ability but also confidence in it was important, Ellen, a professor of psychology at Ohio State University・ It is a research group of Peters et al.

◆ Even if you have mathematics skills, if you don't have confidence
The research group first selected 4572 participants from the ' Understanding America ' social survey conducted online by the University of Southern California and took a math test. At the same time, we conducted a questionnaire on confident mathematics skills and analyzed how the results of the tests and questionnaires were linked to the participants' economic conditions.
As a result, `` persons with high mathematics skills and confidence '' are economically equivalent to 94,000 dollars (about 10.15 million yen) when converted to annual income compared to `` people with high mathematics skills but no confidence '' This had a great advantage. This result does not mean that the annual income was actually $ 94,000 higher, but it was calculated comprehensively based on the usage status of credit cards, the presence of loans, the investment management status, etc., but there is a considerable difference I can see that.
Peters said about this result, 'Those who are not confident in mathematics tend to persevere and do not tackle the problem. As a result, mathematics skills are not demonstrated and it may have appeared as a big difference.' I guess.
◆ Even if you are confident, it is meaningless if you do not have skills
The research group then conducted a similar mathematics test and confidence questionnaire on 91 patients being treated for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.
SLE is an autoimmune disease that causes systemic inflammatory organ damage due to some cause. There is no fundamental cure, but the symptoms are controlled to some extent by continuing to take small amounts of steroids stably. It is possible illness.
The research group analyzed the disease activity, which is the symptom momentum of patients with SLE, and the results of math tests and questionnaires, and found that `` people with high math skills and confidence '' have high disease activity The rate was only 7%. On the other hand, the percentage of people with high disease activity was 44% among those who had no math skills but only confidence.
Peters said, “With good mathematics skills, we need to understand the effects and risks of drugs and follow the usage and dosage, and take appropriate treatment using systems such as health insurance to deal with difficult diseases. I need it. '

About 20% of the people who participated in the two studies were not confident in that, even though they had high math skills. On the other hand, about 13% of those who were confident but without actual math skills.
Peters said, “About 30% of all people have an unhappy“ disagreement. ”Even if they have excellent skills, they cannot use it without confidence. I cannot accept the help or advice of others, ”he stressed, and emphasized the importance of understanding your abilities correctly.
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