A short movie `` Battle at Big Rock '' depicting a family that survives the world where dinosaurs of `` Jurassic World '' wander is on sale

The short film “ Battle at Big Rock ” of the movie “
Battle at Big Rock | An All-New Short Film | Jurassic World-YouTube
Dennis (Andre Holland) camping in Big Rock National Park, about 32km away from the last stage of Jurassic World.

Barbecue meat is arranged on a plate brought by daughter Kadasha (act: Melody Hard).

Greg, who is camping next door, says, “It seems that meteor showers can be seen today,” sitting on a chair and looking at the night sky. Dennis returns to his camper, saying, 'Can you see anything?'

The camper was waiting for my wife Mariana and her child.

Son Mateo showing magic to his sister (act: Pearson Salvador).
However, Kadasha seems to be worried about his older brother.

Mariana (acting:

Dennis once again says, 'Yes, we are a family.'

Kadasha reported well, “I learned crossbow from Greg!”

Dennis talks to Greg sitting outside the window, saying, “Don't tell my 8-year-old daughter how to strike a crossbow!”

There is no Greg who would have sat on a chair a while ago.

“Where did everyone go?” “Was the bear?” The whole family stared out of the camper…

A herbivorous dinosaur

Apparently, it appeared at the campsite to treat human food. There is no appearance of being terrified by the bonfire, and the containers around it are being treated.

“That is a dinosaur!”

“At this time, the Ranger team said, wait calmly and go somewhere.”

If you look closely, the nurse keratops children came along. It seems to be worried about the light of the flashlight placed on the ground. Children quietly watching from the camper show a joyful response, 'Dinosaur baby!'

However, suddenly the parent nurse Keratops screams out loud. The next moment, a huge carnivorous dinosaur,

Allosaurus bites a Nest Keratops child near the bonfire and shakes it.

An angry nurse keratops parent rushes towards an allosaurus with a huge horn. Allosaurus flips to the ground.

The camper door opens due to the impact of Allosaurus falling, but ...

Dennis approaches without making a noise and gently closes the door.

While a human being desperately killed in a camper, the other parent of Nerst Keratops also appeared.

As expected, if it was 2: 1, the allosaurus stopped attacking and confronted the two nurse keratops.

Nerst Ceratops leaves the place with a child, gazing at Allosaurus.

'OK, we are all right, neither Allosaurus nor Nast Keratops are aware of us,' he screams and watches for Allosaurus leaving.

However, the baby began to cry unexpectedly with so much fear.

The family desperately tries to soothe the baby, but when he heard the cry, Allosaurus had already locked the camper. Hold the body as it is toward the window.

The camper was easily turned over by the power of the huge allosaurus.

The whole family who was riding was blown away ...

Only the baby who was crying remained fixed with a belt on the child seat. The face of Allosaurus staring at the scene appears in the back of the screen.

Dennis and Mariana immediately noticed and rushed to try to remove the baby from the child seat ...

Allosaurus is trying to eat a baby by putting his face in a camper. If you are worried about the future development, please watch the movie.

In an interview with the movie-based media Collider, Director Trevorou commented, “I drew dinosaurs and humans who were struggling to adapt to the unfamiliar environment,” he said. `` Battle at big rock '' is a cut out of the world leading to the third work of the `` Jurassic World '' series scheduled to be released in 2021, `` Human and dinosaurs conflict for the first time in an equal position '' It was.
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