'Skype interactions may be heard by Microsoft employees and contractors,' Microsoft added to privacy policy

by RobinHiggins
Microsoft changed its privacy policy in response to issues that Microsoft employees and contractors were listening to about what they talked to Microsoft's AI assistant Cortana and how they interacted with Skype.
Microsoft Admits Humans Listen to Skype and Cortana in Privacy Policy Update-VICE
Microsoft's new privacy policy admits humans are listening to some Skype and Cortana recordings-The Verge

On August 7, 2019, it was reported that recorded data of conversations exchanged with Skype was being heard by contractor employees who contracted with Microsoft in order to improve Microsoft's translation functions. The data included very personal content such as personal addresses and sex over the phone.
Revealed: Microsoft Contractors Are Listening to Some Skype Calls-VICE

Although Skype's website states that it collects and records conversations, it does not specify human reviews and Microsoft has received great criticism.
In response, Microsoft updated its privacy policy and stated on the online page that 'human employees and contractors may hear the record.' The following page contains the content 'Our processing of personal data for these purposes includes both automated and manual (human) methods of processing'.
Microsoft Privacy Statement – Microsoft privacy
The following page also states: “When you use Microsoft speech services such as Cortana, Microsoft will keep a copy of the audio recording. Microsoft employees and contractors may also transcribe, `` Because privacy is a top priority, the data is anonymized and confidential contracts are signed with contractors and employees, who are subject to laws that set high privacy standards in Europe and elsewhere. '' It is written.
Voice data on the privacy dashboard-Microsoft privacy
Although it is true that human audits are required to improve machine learning, this is a big concern for privacy issues. News media The Verge points out that opt-out should be possible because very personal data, such as addresses and medical records, can be entered into an audio device. Apple is said to be offering opt-out options to users in future updates.
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