Eron Mask announces details of 'Neuralink', which embeds electrodes in the brain and operates smartphones directly

The ' Neuralink ' startup, founded in 2017 by businessman Elon Musk, whose theme is 'fusion of AI and human beings,' is 'technology that enables people to control computers directly from the brain' I made a presentation about The chip will be available from the smartphone app, and clinical trials are expected to begin by the end of 2020.
Elon Musk's Neuralink Says It's Ready to Begin Brain Surgery-Bloomberg
Elon Musk unveils Neuralink's plans for brain-reading 'threads'-The Verge
Neuralink, founded in 2017 by Mask, is a startup that develops technology to connect AI to the human brain. Mr. Mask has long been concerned about rapidly evolving AI becoming a human threat, and has proposed a method of 'boosting the brain by incorporating AI into the human brain and confronting the computer' as a countermeasure. You are
Eron Mask establishes new startup 'Neuralink' aiming to connect AI to human brain-GIGAZINE

In 2017, there was no specific explanation on what kind of technology will be developed, but after two years, Neuralink released some of the technologies under development. You can see the presentation by Mr. Masuka et al. Who is streaming on YouTube from the following movie.
Neuralink Livestream-YouTube
According to Mask, Neuralink's goal is to embed the device in a person with mahi, and use the device to make the phone or computer available.
To make this technology a success, Neuralink creates more flexible “threads” that do not damage the brain more than any other device used in 2019. Threads, which are smaller than human hair and are 4 to 6 micrometers in diameter, can transfer huge amounts of data, and 96 threads contain 3072 electrodes per array. In addition to the development of threads, Neuralink has the task of 'developing a machine to embed threads automatically'.
Mr. Mask explained that the purpose of this presentation is 'Recruit'. Scientists, including Neuralink's president

In his presentation Hodak stated that Neuralink is '
On the other hand, Neuralink's technology uses a much more flexible material than Utah Array, which makes it difficult to port. For this reason, it was necessary to develop a surgical robot capable of implanting 6 threads with 192 electrodes in 1 minute.

This is the image of the operation.
In addition, Neuralink has developed a custom chip that can read and amplify signals from the brain. At the time of writing this chip can only exchange data via threads and USB connection, but eventually it will be possible to connect wirelessly. Wireless communication is expected to be achieved by the following products, which Neuralink calls 'N1 sensors':

Four N1 sensors embedded in the brain connect with devices attached to the back of the ear, which will be controlled by the iPhone app.

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