Biography of 'Derorian DMC-12' Parent's Biography movie 'Driven' trailer appeared in 'Back to the Future'

Driven a biologic movie depicting John DeLorean who gave birth to DeLorean DMC-12, which is widely known as the car that became the basis of the time machine appearing in the SF movie masterpiece ' Back to the Future ' series. The trailer of '' has been released.

Driven Official Trailer [HD] l In Theaters, On Demand & Digital August 16-YouTube

In the trailer, the main character James Hoffmann (Actor: Jason Sadaykis ) struggles in front of his home without the Pontiac GTO engine.

A silver-haired man appeared there, saying 'It's a cool car.' While saying, 'In the old days, girls liked this thing,' they plunged their hands into the engine room and asked Hoffman to start the engine.

Hoffman asked, 'What the hell did you do?'

Then the man who removed the sunglasses returned 'I designed a car'. John Zachary DeLorean, who was involved in the Pontiac GTO development at General Motors, played by

Lee Paice .

DeLorean receives a referral at a party held in a mansion, saying, 'This is the president of the most successful car company!'

Delorean announced while receiving attention ...

'DMC-12' was also used as a 'back to the future' time machine.

However, Delorean's Delorean Motor Company, which was run by Delorean, was having trouble with financial management. DeLorean confesss to Hoffman that 'at least $ 30 million ($ 32 billion) is needed within 10 days'.

'Can you help me? Jim'

While Hoffman and DeLorian get close, DeLorian's wife Christina (Performing

Isabel Aleisa ) is also attracted to Hoffman.

Hoffman's wife Ellen (play:

Judy Greer ) responds to Cristina, who confesses 'You're a very nice husband.'

Hoffman makes a deal for Delorean ...

You can record the entire volume of the transaction you've been involved with with a microphone at the heart ...

I was recording DeLorean's conversation.

The reason is that Hoffman was also an information provider of FBI. Hoffman was in secret with FBI agent Benedict Tisa (department:

Collie Stall ).

'My name will remain in the memory of people with the name of the car,' said DeLorean to mutter.

Delorean draws a rough sketch of

gull wing door which is the feature of DMC-12.

Ellen accuses Hoffman of collapsing DeLorean with the FBI as 'John will be your friend.'

'History is what is written by the winner' ...

De Lorient pointing a gun at Hoffmann.

A scene in which an investigator with a gun surrounds a small Cessna machine ...

There is also a scene where a lot of cocaine is found in the trunk.

Hoffman raising the gull wing of DMC-12.

'Driven' will be released August 16, 2019. Published in Japan is undecided.

In addition, this film is a biographical film mixed with fiction as well as the movie ' Bhemian Rhapsody ' depicting Freddie Mercury's life, and it is a fact that Hoffman cooperated with the investigation of John DeLorean by FBI. It is not clear if Hoffman and DeLorean were old-fashioned friends through Pontiac.

By the way, the movie ' Framing John DeLorean (Portrait of John DeLorean )', which also features John DeLorean , was released on the US on June 7, 2019. This is a documentary film that follows Delorian's life, with Alec Baldwin as Delorean. Interviews with Delorean children are also included.

Framing John Delorean ft. Alec Baldwin-Official Trailer I HD I Sundance Selects-YouTube

in Vehicle,   Video,   Movie, Posted by darkhorse_log