How much do menstruation cheats for female productivity?


Kinga Cichewicz

There should be many women who experience symptoms such as pain, anemia, and depression during menstruation. How Much Does Menstrual Deprive Women of Productivity? A new study that has been found indicates that menstruation loses as much as nine days of productivity a woman per year.

Productivity loss due to menstruation-related symptoms: a national wide cross-sectional survey among 32 748 women | BMJ Open

Study Finally Shows How Disruptive Period Pain Really Is, And We Need To Talk About It

Researchers measured the number of women affected by work and school life due to menstruation problems for 32,748 women aged 15 to 45 living in the Netherlands. As a result, less than 14% of women have left school or work because of menstruation, and 80% continue to work or study even if they are ill, and it turns out that their productivity has fallen as a result And.


Antor Paul Follow

A worldwide survey shows that 71% of women under the age of 25 feel pain during menstruation. Young women, in particular, often have pain, and generally have pain before menstruation and for several days after the onset of menstruation. There are individual differences in the degree of pain, and there are many people who show symptoms that are so severe that they can not move if they do not feel much. According to the survey, one out of every five young women (20%) has left school or university due to menstrual cramps, and two out of five (41%) are affected by menstruation and concentration in class Was indicated.

According to the researchers, female students, especially before entering university, are at risk of losing their grades due to poor health. Researchers also say that women with menstrual cramps tend to miss opportunities for social activities, school activities and sports activities due to menstrual symptoms. This is considered to be a concern as social interaction and participation in sports activities during adolescence are important for health.

Menstrual cramps are divided into 'functional dysmenorrhea' where the cause of the pain is in the hormone and 'organic dysmenorrhea' which is abnormal in the uterus and ovaries. Among them, functional dysmenorrhoea that causes pain despite physical causes is often caused by changes in the physiologically active substance prostaglandin .

There are many women who do not recognize 'health problems' because they consider the painful menstrual symptoms 'normal' because they are pains that have no physical cause. With the social background and lack of education where discussions about menstruation are considered taboos, most young women try to address pain with self care without going to a health care provider. However, researchers have called for a consultation with a doctor if you feel pain that goes beyond 'slight pain' and interferes with your daily activities.

by VanveenJF

There are different ways of dealing with pain, and there is no perfect way to work for everyone. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and oral contraceptives may be effective for functional dysmenorrhoea, but it is necessary to consult a doctor because of side effects. On the other hand, antipyretic analgesic acetaminophen may be used at the time of menstrual cramps, but it is not particularly effective. In addition, research has also shown that “fever” and “periodic exercise” can relieve pain, so researchers say that it is effective to warm up the body with exercise such as yoga.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log