The design of Uber's flying taxi 'Uber Air' is finally revealed in the movie

Uber , which develops distribution services, etc., plans a ride sharing service ' Uber Elevate ' for taxis that travel in the air as an effective way of moving in urban space. The concept movie of the flying taxi ' Uber Air ' used by such Uber Elevate was released on YouTube.

UA shows off latest concept for air taxis; FAA chief stresses safety – GeekWire

This is the Uber Air concept movie released by Uber.

UBERAIR: The Future of Airborne Travel | Uber Elevate | Uber-YouTube

Uber Air stopping at a place like a heliport. The smooth form looks like a bird.

Propeller rotates ...

Slowly vertical takeoff. You can see that some Uber Air has stopped around.

I will fly in the sky of the city as it is.

The number of passengers that can get on is four.

If I keep flying for a while ...

Landing on a heliport sticking out of a huge building.

A heliport with Uber Air mounted like a lift dives into the building ...

Uber Air is stored in places like multi-storey car parks.

And the door of Uber Air opened.

Uber Air is an electrically operated flying taxi, and Uber Elevate's commercial services will be launched in 2023 in

Dallas and Fort Worth , Texas, and Los Angeles , California. Also, Melbourne , Australia's capital, is expected to be the first Uber Elevate city to be deployed outside the United States.

Eric Allison, who is in charge of Uber Elevate, has stated that Uber Air's fare will eventually fall as low as Uber's dispatch service, and travel time to avoid getting caught in traffic jams Can also be shortened.

This is a movie that explains the concept of Uber Elevate.

UBERAIR: Our Vision | Uber Elevate | Uber-YouTube

Humanity has built high-rise buildings one after another and expanded urban space in three dimensions.

As a result, it is important to consider not only the earth as a moving space, but also the 'sky' as a moving space.

Uber Air's vertical take-off system is an essential feature for moving urban skies.

Uber believes that people have the option of moving through the sky, which alleviates traffic congestion and improves urban accessibility.

Of course Uber Air can take off and land only in limited places ...

It is planned to be combined with taxis and ride sharing services traveling on the ground.

Of course, Uber Elevate can not be realized with the power of Uber or an aircraft development company. In addition to real estate owners and urban residents ...

Uber said it would be necessary to work with local authorities, national regulators, etc.

Uber is collaborating with

Safran Cabin , an interior design company, for in-vehicle design.

This is what it looks like inside a Uber Air vehicle | TechCrunch

It is designed to allow four adults to sit in the car, and it is clear from the published simulation images that there is space for luggage and suitcases.

in Vehicle,   Video, Posted by log1h_ik