Completed development of next-generation standard 'PCI Express 5.0' with maximum transfer speed of 128GB / s in both directions

PCI -SIG, the group that develops the PCI Express standard, announced on May 29, 2019 local time, that the development of the next-generation standard PCI Express 5.0 following the current PCI Express 4.0 has been completed. PCI Express 5.0 maintains low power consumption and backward compatibility while achieving a transfer speed of up to 64GB / s, which is double that of PCI Express 4.0 in one direction.
PCI-SIG® Achieves 32GT / s with New PCI Express® 5.0 Specification | Business Wire
PCI Express is a type of I / O serial interface formulated by PCI-SIG, and is used as a standard for connecting terminals when mounting cards or SSDs that extend functions to a PC. At the time of writing, PCI Express 4.0, which was completed in 2017, is finally being implemented.
The PCI Express 5.0, which has been formulated this time, has the following features.
・ 32 GT / s gross bit rate with x16 lane connection, 64 bGB / s in one direction, transfer speed up to 128 GB / s in both directions
・ Uses the PCI Express 4.0 specification and supports extended processing by specifying extension tags and credits
Implement electrical changes to improve signal integrity and mechanical performance of the connector
・ New backward compatible CEM connector for add-in cards
Maintain backward compatibility with PCI Express 4.0, 3.x, 2.x and 1.x
“PCI-SIG has been continuously providing new versions of I / O standards for 27 years,” said Nathan Brookwood, InSight64 research researcher. Designers maintain investments in older generation interfaces and software While supporting the increased bandwidth needed for next-generation systems. 'The peak bandwidth of PCI Express 5.0 is 64 GB / s, doubled compared to PCI Express 4.0, PCI 1.0 was formulated in 1992. It has been improved 480 times compared to. '

by Stain_Marylight
“With the advent of new applications that process large amounts of data, the level of performance required is unprecedented,” said PCI-SIG representative AI Yanes. Achieving the PCI Express 5.0 specification in 18 months is a major achievement And by the dedication of the members who worked to evolve PCI Express to meet the industry performance needs, the PCI Express architecture will maintain its position as a de facto standard for performance I / O for some time '
PCI Express 4.0, which was completed in October 2017, is in the process of entering the market with motherboards, CPUs and SSDs that are finally ready in 2019. Assuming that it will take the same amount of time to reach the market after the formulation is completed, it is expected that products compatible with PCI Express 5.0 will be marketed around 2021.
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