PS5 is a powerful backward compatible multiplayer with PS4 players

Sony unveiled details about the next generation game hardware (provisional name: PlayStation 5) in Sony IR Day 2019 . In this event, it has been found that PS5 is compatible with 'intergenerational multiplay', which allows you to enjoy multiplay with PS4 with strong backward compatibility.
PS5 backwards compatibility will let you play multiplayer with friends on PS4 too | GamesRadar +

PS4 Cross-Gen Multiplayer Teased Alongside Backwards Compatibility-GameSpot
Sony unveiled details about next-generation game consoles at Sony IR Day 2019, which was held on May 21, 2019. According to this, PlayStation 5 (PS5) can shorten the load time overwhelmingly compared with PS4. According to an exclusive interview with WIRED, it is the 'special SSD' that is equipped to support the overwhelming blast speed load of PS5.
Sony releases performance comparison movie of next-generation game console 'PlayStation 5' at event, processing performance is 10 times PS4 Pro-GIGAZINE

Sony talks in the Sony IR Day 2019 that PS5 has strong backward compatibility, and this is considered to be a powerful hand to fill the intergenerational gap that would be possible between PS4 and PS5 You And further, Sony has announced that it plans to realize 'intergenerational multiplay' so that PS4 and PS5 users can simultaneously multiplay the same game in order to fill the gap between generations.
Jim Ryan, president of Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) in Sony IR Day 2019, said backwards compatibility will be very powerful and important in the Internet era, according to GamesRadar, an overseas game media. The community is somewhat tribal in nature, so by presenting backward compatibility 'the ability to play PS4 games on next-generation machines' we follow the community of them (the gamers) This will lead to the opportunity to shift to a next-generation console, 'said backward compatibility plays a very important role in transitioning PS4 users to next-generation consoles.
Furthermore, Takeshi Kodera, SIE's vice president, said that 'the community can enjoy the game together over generations,' suggesting that PS5 supports 'intergenerational multiplay' where you can enjoy multiplay etc with PS4. Did. In the case of online games, in particular, as next-generation hardware appears and users are transitioning, fewer people are playing games on older generation game consoles, and it becomes impossible to enjoy games as before. To go. However, if there is backward compatibility with PS5, PS5 users or PS4 users can equally play with PS4 titles, and two game hard users can also enjoy multiplay, thus filling in the intergenerational gap It is considered to be perfect.
Sony said that 'the latest CPU · GPU' 'SSD' 'backward compatibility' 'Raytracing' '8K' 'disk compatible' '3D audio' while already announced, release date · price, what kind of game Does not reveal details about the user experience, or the countries / regions to be released.
In Sony IR Day 2019, Sony has stated that 'the driving force of engagement and revenue for the next three years' as the role of PS4, so that it will develop a business model centered on PlayStation 4 by at least 2021, It can be guessed that the appearance of PS5 will be the neighborhood. The details aren't clear either, but in the interview with WIRED, Mark Sarney says it's a 'attractive' price range.

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